{1.} Just a teenager

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"Magic doesn't exist. It's just your imagination!" You've been told that as a kid haven't you? So have I. My parents and teachers told me many times that magic is not real and that I have a wild imagination to think it exists. I was told to leave the thought of magic being real behind since I'm getting too old for that..but I didn't listen. To make sure I won't stop believing in magic I always bought fantasy books and talked about them with friends. I wanted to keep the magic inside of me alive. Yet for some reason, I couldn't help but feel like the magic was dying down inside of me as I got older. That was until I started playing fantasy games and I started role-playing. I always kept my magic alive and made sure my friends didn't forget it either.

I was standing in front of the mirror and fixing my hair. I had dark blond hair and I was wearing glasses. I had to have them since I was three thanks to my eyesight not being too good but I could still see without them. My green eyes were still showing sleepiness thanks to the fact that I didn't manage to get a good night's sleep yesterday night. My phone was in the pocket of my black pants and I was wearing a black and white shirt with a gray hoodie with the logo of the Harry Potter houses.

- Andrea! Sweetheart wake up! You will be late for school!- I heard my mom's voice.
- Coming, mom!- I quickly jumped down the stairs almost tripping. As usual, I felt like it was a near-death experience.
- I swear one day you will hit your head like this- My mom said as she opened the door. -I will be in the car- with that she left the house. I quickly grabbed my backpack, my lunch, and my book then I ran outside and sat down in the car.

Mom turned on the radio and we listened to music. I looked out the window and imagined all sorts of magical scenarios while listening to it. Soon I felt a turn and just as I thought my mom was parking in front of the school. I grabbed my stuff and opened the car door then I hopped out.
-I will see you later Mom!- I said as I closed the door and ran towards the school.

The car left and I opened the school door.
- Andrea! I thought you would be late!- My best friend Lilith called out to me from the bottom of the stairs. Lilith and I have been best friends since preschool. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was 160cm and I was 155cm tall so she always acted as if I was a "little sister" to her as she said.
- Oh come on I never came late to school Lilith!- I said to her. - Where are the others?- I looked around.
- Markus and Alex are in the classroom while Noah is in the buffet buying coffee for you and himself since we knew that you wouldn't sleep again.- She looked me in the eyes with that usual "I know it" look.
- ...I need to make a  sleep schedule- I looked down at the floor.
- Yes you do. Let's get to class if we are lucky then Noah already got back.- With that, she started walking up the stairs.

Our classroom was on the third floor but so was the buffet so we didn't complain. When we entered the classroom our classmates were all talking, listening to music, or studying the latter was only done by two or three students one of them being Markus while Alex listened to music next to him. As we expected Noah was sitting next to Alex and he was already drinking his coffee while mine was on the table.
- Morning everyone- I said as I sat down.
- Morning Andrea- Noah greeted me.
- Mornin Rea- Alex said but he didn't bother to take his headphones off.
- Good morning Andie- Markus said while looking up from his notebook. I took a glance at his notes.
- Math? Really?- I looked at him. - Thanks for the coffee, Noah.- I looked at the boy as I sat down.
- No problem- Noah answered.
- Andrea actually..could you help me a bit? I still don't get the whole involving thing.- Markus pointed at a math problem. I turned towards him since he was sitting behind me with the other two boys.
-Sure Mark. That's simple. You raise the three and then add the four over there- I said to him before taking a sip of my coffee.
- Ohhh! Thanks, Andrea!- He said and then solved the problem within a few seconds. I turned back to face forward then I put my Literature books and my notebook on the desk.

Five minutes later the teacher entered and the lesson began. Our teacher was Mrs Smith. She always came in the class with at least a bit of enthusiasm and she tried to encourage us to do our best in the classes.
- Good morning students!- She greeted us after we all stood up.
- Good morning Mrs Smith!- The whole class said. We then sat down and so did she.
- Alright class we are going to confirm yesterday's theme. Lilith what was the theme yesterday?- She looked at Lilith.
- It was Legends Miss.- My bestie answered.
- That is correct but since we barely started it today I question anyone for grades. Alright does anyone know the Legend of the Five Immortals?- Our teacher asked. I raised my hand immediately. - Andrea?- She looked at me.
- The Legend of the Five Immortals was created over a thousand years ago after a man stumbled upon a cave where he saw a prophecy about five heroes who would keep the world safe from magical threats but when he went to show others the cave it disappeared as if it wouldn't have existed at all- I said with a bit of enthusiasm in my voice. I heard and researched that legend a couple of times.
- Very Good Andrea. Now everyone open your books and turn them to page 123- Ms. Smith said.

The school day felt longer than I thought but after all seven classes were over my mom brought me home. I put my stuff down but I wanted to clear my head for a bit so I went outside and started walking in the village. Unlike most people in my school, I was born and raised in a small village which I knew like the back of my hand. My only companion was my black and white cat, Ezra who was walking alongside me.
- Heh it's pretty funny isn't it Ezra? If magic would exist just think about how different the world would be!- I said looking at the cat.
- Meow- Ezra looked at me tilting her head. Her blue and green eyes staring at me.
- Oh right I don't understand what you are saying...- I looked up at the sky and closed my eyes for a bit. It was getting dark so out of pure fun I thought about using magic to create an orb of light in front of me. I opened my eyes but I wasn't surprised when nothing happened. After all...just like how I've been told magic doesn't exist. I let out a sigh and turned around to walk back home.
- Meow?- I heard Ezra behind me. By the sound she made she sounded..surprised. I turned around and to my astonishment, there was a small orb of light on the ground.
- Oh my god! D- Did I do that?!- The moment I said that the orb disappeared as if it never existed. -..I think the only four hours of sleep and the eight hours of school are starting to make me hallucinate. Come on Ezra we are going home!- I walked back home with the cat behind me.

When I got home I ate, packed my school bag for tomorrow and then immediately showered and went to bed.
- Heh..I wish magic would be real- I muttered under my breath before my sleepiness took over and I feel into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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