[ S E V E N ]

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"Are you ready for our date?", Chan's question caught Ayeong off guard. She didn't expect him to say that, at least not the date part.

She thought for a second to take in Chan's words. Are you ready for our date, was something she thought could never be in Chan's dictionary for her. She expected something more like, You ruined the night for me.

She turns around to face the other way, lightly kicking something inexistent. She starts to fiddle with her fingers behind her back. She's nervous because of Chan's question. Not nervous, angry.

"It was never a date.", she manages to mumble and Chan manages to hear. He chuckles at her statement.

"Then, what should I call it? Dinner?", he tilts his head.

"Whatever you want. But it shouldn't be something that would make us look like...", she stops as she realizes what words were coming out of her mouth.

"Look like what?", Chan smirked as he looked at her.

She was looking anywhere but at Chan. She was trying so hard to avoid him now. It stung her that she will have to stay with him for a few hours, when he was trying to get close to her in another manner.

"Look like chicks.", she looked back at Chan. Though, she hadn't realized he was too close, only inches apart. He looked at her and she looked at him with wide eyes.

If it weren't for her awkwardness, he would've smacked his lips on hers by now, but he resisted.

"W-we should go.", she stuttered while pointing towards nowhere. Chan chuckled at her.

"Sure.", Chan moved his attention from Ayeong to the elevator, which was a few feet away.

"Let's go.", Chan grabbed her hand and took her in the elevator.

"I have a question.", Ayeong said as Chan pressed the button to the floor of their reserved table.

"Hm?", Chan hummed and looked at her. It was hard for Ayeong to maintain eye contact with Chan so she gazed into the air, unable to keep her orbs at one specific place.

"Why would you, the CEO of such a big company, want to get close to a girl like me? I mean, I'm not that great, from any perspective, except my face.", she speaks with a pout on her lips. Chan giggles at her statement of calling herself pretty.

Though, it isn't a lie, he thought to himself.

"You're talking about financial status?", Chan asks, not taking his eyes off of Ayeong.

"Yeah...", she mumbles, close to a whisper.

"I don't care about financial status, Ayeong. It's the looks that matters.", he jokes but Ayeong doesn't laugh.

"And the personality.", he mumbles under his breath, loud enough for Ayeong to hear. She glanced at him on the left and then into nothingness.

"I never got the chance to show you the good side of my personality.", she pouts.

"I already saw it.", he smiles as he also looks forward.

"Wh-", Ayeong doesn't get the chance to finish, due to the door of the elevator opening, releasing a ding sound.

"We shouldn't have come at such a fancy hotel.", Ayeong says as she walks beside Chan, following him.

"Why?", Chan asks as he looks at her.

"Look at my fit. I also didn't get a chance to go home and change.", she pouts and Chan chuckles.

I never laughed so much in my whole entire life, that I laughed in a day, Chan thinks as he smiles even more, if it was even possible.

"You look great. Don't mind people.", Chan says as he stops and looks at her. She glances at Chan with confusion.

He turns around and pulls a chair for Ayeong to sit on.

She gets the hint that they're going to sit on this table. She walks to the other chair, pulls it and sits down.

Meanwhile, Chan can't stop smiling even at this. He smiles widely at her.

"Why aren't you sitting down?", she asks with confusion.

"Are you really like this or do you just act like this?", Chan asks as he sits down, the smile still plastered on his face.

"Act like what?", she tilts her head in confusion.

"Nothing.", he looks at her with warmth and affection in his eyes. She nods and looks out the huge window by their table.

"Which floor are we on?", Ayeong asks as she looks outside. The view looks beautiful as many lights shine in the darkness of Seoul.

"8th.", Chan answers, not taking his eyes off of her.

"Why do I always end up on the 8th floor with you?", Ayeong mumbles as she rests her chin on her hand, still admiring the city.

"You hate it?", Chan asks as he leans back on the chair.

"No. Let's just change the topic.", she smiles.

"You know, sir, I ditched my boyfriend to be here with you.", Ayeong scrunches her nose as a tease.


"Boyfriend?", Chan asks.

"Yeah. I have a boyfriend.", Ayeong smiles as she intertwines her fingers off both hands.

"You like him?"

"Yeah. A lot.", she looks up at Chan and nods.

"Hm.", Chan's smile disappears.

"Anyways, since you said you want to be close to me, I'll be informal and call you Chan. Is that ok?", Ayeong smiles widely.

"Hm.", Chan nods and smiles faintly.

"What can we do to be close?", Ayeong thought out loud.

"Tell me about yourself.", Chan asks, despite knowing so much about her already.

"Hm. Should I tell you the bad part of my life as well?", Ayeong tilted her head.

"Yeah. Since we're gonna be the best of friends. Spit anything you want.", Chan didn't smile and he also didn't take his eyes off of her.

"Um. Let me start.", Ayeong giggled as she sat straight.

"It's kind of awkward for me to say everything myself. How about you ask questions?", Ayeong awkwardly chuckled.

"Sure.", Chan says as he puts both his arms on the desk, intertwining his fingers together.

"Do you have parents?", Chan asks, despite knowing the answer.

"I did. I still do but...", she hesitates to tell him about her father being in jail. She started to think that if she tells Chan about her life, her first ever chance to have a friend will disappear. No one ever approached her like this, except Joochan.

And it was all because of her aunt and her kids. Her cousins had made her out to be an outcast so no one wanted to befriend her.

"But? Did he commit a crime or something?", Chan says as he mutters something to the waiter.

"Would you hate me if I say he did?", Ayeong asks.

"No. Of course, not. It's not you who committed a crime, it's him.", Chan reassures her.

"I guess. I don't even remember him. I was so young when the police took him. My mum took her own life. She couldn't bear the pain of seeing me struggle for food and shelter. She should've give it a second thought. I'm pretty sure she could find a decent job. It could be at a diner. Though, I was only 8, I know I could've helped her. Kids who go through that kind of stuff, grow up too early. And I did.", she rambled on and on and Chan heard each one of her words with all his conciousness. He nodded after she finished.

"Sorry. I just lost control.", Ayeong bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

"It's ok. I'd like it if you share more", his words made Ayeong smile.

"By the way, since when did you start dating?"



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