Chapter 1: Althea

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"Althea," a majestic voice sounded, catching my attention. Though it's strange to wake up in the body of the opposite sex, it's not urgent at this time.

My gaze turned from the floor forward, where three people were majestically standing. Though they too were wrapped in sacred robes, just like in the game, they could all be easily distinguished from one another.

In the center stood a tall man in shining armor. His face was completely covered, even his eyes. Anyone who looked at him would wonder how he could see. Some places on the armor showed gold engravings, which clearly showed the sign of an open book in the center of which was a vertical sword. On either side were two more figures, only their attire was different. Still the same sacred look, but not like the men.

Both were women, but they also wore armor, gleaming and in places even defiant. However, the armor was not the same as the men's. At first glance, you would think that the armor was like jewelry. One of them had armor that outlined her figure very well, only it was strange that the armor seemed to move. It was like it was alive. Sometimes there was something like a glitch in some parts of the armor. Waves were crawling all over the armor as if from the epicenter, which made the armor seem to breathe and be alive. Compared to the man, her face was exposed. A beautiful face was visible, radiant and with strangely white eyes. And sky-blue hair slowly developing. To add to this, in the center of her forehead was a circle with lines depicting an eye.

But unlike this one, the other woman was different. Her armor was flying, sometimes detached from her body, sometimes pressing tightly against it, so that the woman was almost naked. But this was in no way out of bounds since the intimate areas were covered all the time, as well as half of the face on which part of the armor was tightly pressed. The open part of her face also showed beauty, the only thing that made her different was her pointed ear, red eyes, and red hair. Apart from that, the woman had a ball of soft light emitting from behind her at all times, but it was the only thing that had spikes on it.

From the game, I know how dangerous these two are. Together they could even rival the man in the center for a while. Watching them and standing in front of them now, I can't help but feel joy and sadness.

All three of them have a very difficult past, all related to demons. I feel sad because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't change the plot of the game with the victims of these three creatures.

Yes, the point is that they are all, at least, only half human.. However, I was also vaguely overcome with joy because a thought just occurred to me - maybe I could change things so that they wouldn't have to sacrifice themselves.

All the feelings I got from the game - the emotions, experiences, joy, and anger - made me want to play further and further away. It was the only place where I could decide the fate of the hero and the continent, but not the fate of these three. Now, here I am. Although it's not likely, possible thoughts about the reality of what's happening are going through my head.

But since I'm here, why don't I at least try to do it until I wake up? That's what I'm thinking at the moment.

"Are you ready to open your pure heart for all other beings to stop suffering from demons?" sounded the voice of the man standing in the center. Arken, that was his name. Everything was happening just like in the game, all the same words came out of his mouth.

Except, I took possession of that body, and my heart was no longer pure like that girl in the scene. There, she agrees without hesitation, but all these people do not know that out of all this will come disaster.

But if I don't agree, I'm more likely to be blamed and even killed. Although he asks me if I am ready to die, he will do so knowingly. This is most likely just ceremony and respect for the victim.

As I learned in the game, to open a gate for the demons that are gradually expanding, you need a reasonable being with a pure heart. But at this point, I'm no longer suited for it myself.

I tilted my head in his direction and spoke for the first time while in this world. "I'm ready."

Repeating all the same words and actions as the scene broke out in a soft voice, I thought of the right moment to escape from here. The most appropriate one is deep into the night. The sacrifice itself takes place at sunrise and in the center of the great square of the city where the headquarters are located.

But once morning comes, I cannot escape from here. The only way is to take advantage of all these people's trust in the previous owner of the body and use the secrets of the move to escape.

Although my escape is not the final point for the sacrifice, it can still postpone the onset of chaos. In the meantime, I can use the knowledge in the game to become stronger.

I want to save this world with my own hands. It is not for nothing how much I can suffer for it. This world was the only ray of light in my life. I also want to be a ray of light for this world. Even if it doesn't work out, I can at least be a candle. And once I escape from here, I will be on the path of solitude. Even if I could not complete the path of solitude, I will still try for it.

A determination that I hadn't had before engulfed my heart and mind at that moment.

"Since you agree, we'll have the ceremony tomorrow at dawn as it says in the sacred book. And so you can go and rest," said one of the knights.

As I pondered, the voice caught my attention again. Because of the silence in the hall, the sound was faint but clearly audible. Bowing again, I turned to the door and slowly stepped forward. There were a few hundred eyes on my way, making me feel uncomfortable. My introverted nature reinforced this effect by making my movements slightly wooden.

As I finally reached the huge door, which opened with the help of two knights standing on either side in huge armor, they were head and shoulders above Arken. Walking out behind me, the door closed, leaving me and the other two knights outside alone. I was familiar with the road, so I didn't hesitate to head towards where Althea's room was.

But the more I walked, the more I felt like I was in a dream. The surroundings were so beautiful and mesmerizing that it made me stop and stare sometimes.All kinds of briefs create history, in some places there is a battle and in other places there are angels. Although I have seen some in the game, but now it was not to describe in words. Finally, a door appeared before me. I had to put in quite a bit of effort to open it. Althea was clearly a frail girl.

The simplest room opened before my eyes, all the comforts of an ordinary person in this world. But I did not care about that. I closed the door and went to the small mirror on the bedside table. Taking it in my hands, I finally saw what appeared every time I started the game again. Black hair, black eyes, and a beautiful face. But beauty forgave the fact that there was a half pentagram burn on my cheek.

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