Thirty One.

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"Dileah, we're going to be late if we don't go now." Justin checked his watch for the second time this evening.

Thanksgiving was finally here and I was quite excited about it. My first Thanksgiving celebration, my first one out of NYC and not with Randy.

I'd made an extra effort with my appearance: my hair was up in a neat bun and I'd spent almost all day looking for something to wear. I hoped that my jeans, black turtleneck, high heeled boots and gold accessories were good enough.

Justin and I stood in the kitchen, almost ready to leave for dinner with Pattie and Richard. The dessert I'd made required me to chill it for exactly half an hour and there were two minutes of it left. I didn't want to show up empty handed so I made a little something for everyone to enjoy at the table.

"Two more minutes." I said.

Justin sighed.

"Uh, you won't be sighing when you get to eat it so relax, okay?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

Justin raised his hands slowly.

When the two minutes was done with, I got the dessert out the fridge and handed it to Justin to hold while I put my coat on and got my handbag.

Lewis wasn't driving us because he and Justin's other help were given a few days off to spend with their loved ones. I waited outside while Justin got his black BMW out the garage. He opened the door for me and we were driving to the Harrison's in no time.

I wasn't really looking forward to seeing Richard since telling him off recently. I knew in the back of my mind that dinner would be awkward; it always was in the Harrison's home.

We got to the house and after Justin rang the doorbell, Pattie let us in.

"Welcome." She gave Justin and I each a hug and a big smile.

"Dileah made some dessert." Justin informed Pattie.

"Ooh lovely. Thank you, Dileah. I'll go put it the fridge so long." Her face lit up.

Justin helped me take my coat off and he held my hand as we walked to the living room where a fire was burning at the fireplace.

"A real fireplace." I admired it.

I hadn't noticed before that the Harrison's had one. I hadn't seen a real fireplace in ages.

"It's cosy, isn't it?" Justin smiled.

I nodded.

"It makes a house feel like a home." I said.

"What about my fireplace?" Justin challenged playfully with a smile on his face.

"Yours isn't real." I smiled. "Yours is gas."

He faked hurt and placed his hand on his chest as he let out an exaggerated gasp.

I giggled and shoved him gently before wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I can't get enough of you two." I heard Pattie say.

Justin and I looked at her simultaneously and I couldn't help but blush at her comment.

"Dinner will be ready in a few minutes." She smiled at us and started making her way towards the stairs.

"Where's dad?" Justin asked.

"Cooking up a storm." Pattie nodded in the direction of the kitchen.

I looked at Justin.

"Your dad cooks?"

"He's probably rusty now. He doesn't cook often. He must really be in a good mood tonight."

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