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Waiting for his friends the blonde sighed. " where the hell are they?? "  he thought as his phone rang, picking up he heard his friends laughing. "What are you guys doing?" "Sorry sorry, we're on our way." "You better be, someone's gonna kidnap me by any second." Chishiya says as the guy on the phone chuckled. "We're on our way sweetheart." He says as the blonde gagged. "Could you get anymore weird??" He asks as he just heard laughing then the phone hanging up. " fucking weirdo. "  he thought as he saw a car pull up.

Getting in the front he sat next to the driver that called him. "Who are you looking so cute for?" "Can you shut up?" Chishiya says as they all laugh. "Wowww, I save you this seat and you give me attitude?" "..whatever. Where are we eating anyway??" "Dude! I'm craving red lobster!" Someone in the back yelled. "You crave everything you fat fuck." The driver said as they just laughed. "You're fatter than me!" The guy in the back yelled.

Chishiya just sat there smiling until he felt someone's hand on his thigh. He turned to look at the driver as he was grinning.

Not caring Chishiya just let him do what he wanted. "I'm not paying this time." Chishiya says as the driver just smiles. "Fine with me." The driver said as Chishiya just wanted to think.

"You guys think they'd let us in?" Chishiya said turning around. "With you being with us? For sure." The driver said tightening his grip. "Dude, you sound mad gay." "Shut the fuck up before I kick you out of here." He says as everyone in the back laughed like hyenas.

As the driver rubbed his thumb against Chishiya's thigh the blonde slapped his hand. "Quit doing that." "Why? You don't love me?" "Fucking weirdo." Chishiya said chuckling as the driver held his hand. " oh. Well, I need something to squeeze I guess.. "  Chishiya thought as the driver parked somewhere. "This place better have chicken tenders with fries." Someone in the back said. "Dude, you're so fucking picky." "But they're good!" "Yeah, okay."

As they all got out Chishiya dropped his phone. "Fuck." He said picking it up as he looked up seeing the driver smirking looking down at him. "You look good in this position." The driver says as Chishiya kicked his ankle making him trip as they all laughed. "Danm Uto! He got your ass!" Sam said as they all laughed.
Chishiya's friends.
Uto. (The driver)
Sam. (The picky eater)
Lin. (The always hungry one)
Ryu. (The quiet one)
Chuckling Chishiya helped Uto up as he brushed the dirt off himself. "That's what you get." Chishiya says as Uto playfully rolled his eyes while they headed inside.

As Uto talked to the lady Chishiya realized someone. He noticed a cute black haired boy, he noticed that smile from anywhere. It was Suguru Niragi. Chishiya would think about him everyday. The pretty boy with glasses was who Chishiya wanted. The blonde craved to have someone like Niragi.

Smiling he felt someone slapped their hands onto his shoulders as he jumped. "Don't scare me like that-!" He said as Sam chuckled. "Checkin out someone? Who?" Sam said leaning on Chishiya as Chishiya backed up making Sam trip. "Ow-!" "Can you guys shut up? We're gonna get kicked out.." Ryu said as Sam chuckled getting up taking Ryu to the bathroom. Chishiya didn't even wanna know what was going on between them.

As Uto came back he realized Sam and Ryu weren't there. "Where's Sam and Ryu?" "They went to the bathroom." Lin said as Chishiya nodded his head. "Fucking homosexuals.." "you think they're fucking?" "Stop being weird..where's our table at?" Chishiya asked as Uto leaded them to the table. It was in front of Niragi's.

Sitting where Chishiya was able to see Niragi's face Uto sat next to him.

___________________________________As Chishiya admired his boyfriends beauty Ryu and Sam came back, this time Ryu's hair was a bit messed up and there was a purple shade on his neck

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As Chishiya admired his boyfriends beauty Ryu and Sam came back, this time Ryu's hair was a bit messed up and there was a purple shade on his neck.

"Oh I wonder what happened." Lin said smirking as Sam slapped him. "Quit messing around before we get kicked out." Chishiya says as he realized Niragi was looking at him too Chishiya looked down as Uto stared at the pink blonde. "What's up with you??" "Nothing." Chishiya said looking up as Uto smirked. "You look pretty kissable y'know?" Uto whispered into the blondes ear as Chishiya slapped him. "Shut up." Chishiya said as the waiter walked up to them.

"Hello! I'm gonna be your waiter for tonight, do we know what we want yet?" She asked as Uto grinned. "Yeah we know what to order." He says as she smiled. "Great! What would you like?" "I'll have a Sprite with a medium rare steak. Please." "Okay, and you?" She asked Chishiya as he looked at his menu. "I'll have a shrimp Alfredo with a coke please." He said as she nodded asking the others what they wanted as Uto got up whispering to the waiter heading to the bathroom. " god he won't stop until he's dating everyone on this planet.. "  Chishiya thought sighing as she grabbed their menus quickly leaving.

Taking out his phone he saw a text message from Uto, it was him kissing the waiter, as Chishiya sent a text it was idc.

Chishiya didn't care, he would never care. He always felt like Uto wanted to make him jealous, he was never jealous though. Chishiya didn't care who Uto fucked with, all he thought about was the cute boy with glasses.

As Uto came back Chishiya got up heading to the bathroom. Looking at the mirror he pulled out eyeliner fixing his as he heard someone come in. Not knowing who it was he didn't care.

Finishing he put his eyeliner back in his pocket turning around he saw Niragi. "Holy shi-!" He felt hands cover his mouth as he stopped. "Sorry sorry! I didn't know what to do. I didn't wanna cause a scene either.." Niragi said letting go of Chishiya as Chishiya stood there. "No no- you just caught me off guard.." Chishiya said as Niragi apologized again. "Hey uh..does my eyeliner look good?" Chishiya asked as Niragi smiled. "You look hot." Niragi said as Chishiya's eyes widened. "No no- not like that-I'm not gay, it's a compliment-!" Niragi said as Chishiya looked upset. Not knowing why Niragi realized. "Oh-! No no- I mean, I'm bisexual..but let's not get too much into that." Niragi said as Chishiya chuckled. "You're pretty funny for someone that doesn't talk much." "I'm very different from who I am at school." Niragi said as Chishiya chuckled looking through Niragi's dark eyes.

"If I'm being completely honest, you look really cute." Niragi said making Chishiya smile. "You look kissable." Chishiya complimented as Niragi grinned. "How about I give you my number?" Niragi said as Chishiya nodded pulling out his phone as they exchanged numbers.

As they both smiled Chishiya got closer to Niragi as Niragi didn't bother backing up instead he leaned cloister to the blonde. Before they could kiss they got interrupted by Uto. "Hey! Chishiya! What the hell are you doing!" Uto yelled as Chishiya looked down. "Nothing.." "come on. Our foods here." Uto said grabbing Chishiya's wrist as Chishiya whined looking at Niragi as he got pulled away.

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