Ram Kapoor: Final year student, Handsome hunk, lives alone in Mumbai his whole family live in Amritsar Punjab
Family members: dadi, mummy, little brother and sisterPriya Sharma: 1st year student, beautiful young, very shy type, live in Mumbai she is orphanage, she is new that why she don't have any friends
Sheela Kapoor: Ram's dadi very cute and friendly with everyone
Krishna Kapoor: Ram's mother Little strict but loves her family a lot
Pari Kapoor: Ram's little sister, she is studying in 12th class, very cute and beautiful
Rahul Kapoor: Ram's brother and pari's twin brother he is also studying 12th class, very Naught
Amira Saxena: Ram's gf she lives with Ram in same flat, she is very hot and sexy