Mr Rover

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The Light of the late 5pm sun was shining through the window of Kai's white rover, as he had just finished a phonecall with a girl named Anna he had a situationship with. Today was their 4th hookup in a row, and Kai was lucky his Talent agency hadn't found out about it yet. Itwas jusz something about her that made him lose his mind. She was so free spirited and didn't care what anyone thought of her. She pleasure him like no other woman could ever, cause she felt no shame, no regret. Just Energy and passion. She was somewhat of a delinquent though, having entered university but not caring much about lectures. She liked to make money.

Kai had to admit that if it wasn't for Anna, and if it wasn't for his desire to keep this private, he probably would have hooked up with someone else at least once by now, since he had millions of fangirls that wanted him. He didn't like dating fans, because they wouldn't care about his authentic self. But today she wanted it. She had called him after his dance practice and told him to pick her up. He pulled up to the parking lot where she said she would be. His pupils widened as his eyes glares through his Ray bans when he saw her curvy figure in a hot pink mini dress and her hair wavy down to her hip bones. He was stunned and gasped and rolled down the window. Anna smiled and shouted. „Ohhh, look at mr Rover" He felt himself get excited as she swayed over to the passenger door.

People wouldn't assume it, but he had always been rather shy and introverted. Anna balanced this. She was a wild girl to be honest, but that was just what he loved. She brought out the best in him.
,,Hey babyboy, did you miss me !" She whispered in his ear as she kneeled on her seat and placed a peck on his cheek. Kai swallowed and said Hi quietly as he laid his hand on her back. He always got shy when he saw her.

She sat down and shut the door. Anna turned her head over and ran her gaze across Kais flawless face. „Why don't we drive to some place a bit more private?" she said and put her hand on Kais thigh.
A strange tingling spread from Kai's legs through his body and began traveling down to his crotch. He was nervous, although he should be used to this by now. He just couldn't get enough of her. And for some reason also she felt herself grow warm. Kai blinked and cleared his throat.

„Okay!" he answered. Anna smiled as Kai started the car and drove off. As soon as they were alone she turned around again and asked. „Have you gotten hard?" Kai looked at her quickly. It was rare that people noticed, but she really noticed how people reacted to her and always was curious. She could read people like a book. She liked to watch them react a certain way. He didn't want to admit it and pit on some music. „So Kai baby, tell me about your day?" But kai had other plans and didn't answer.
He was nervous, but more so then usual. The sun was starting to set and it was getting dark. Anna just smiled while caressing his neck and thighs.

There were a fee moments of silence when Anna slid her hand onto his thigh again seductively.He gasped at her hand moving on his manhood and looked forward and saw the sunset reflected in the glass of the dashboard. „We can go somewhere quiet, that is good right?"Kai nodded and put his foot on the gas. He was too horny to function. Her scent cascaded into his nose and the music resonated so nicely as the sun set. Kais heart was beating fast and his downstairs was getting harder with every touch.

His mind focused on Anna. In his fantasy she walked naked along the beach in a tiny bikini ! Kai laughed, as Anna licked his ear. „When are we finally at our quiet spot?" She whispered. „We're finally here!" Kai said.

The area seemed abandoned and the noise level was very low. There were few cars passing by , almost everyone had gone home. Kai opened his seatbelt and put his sunglasses into the case. He turned the music up. Anna leaned over and started kissing him deeply. Kai immediately got even harder , but didn't mind. She was moaning softly and pushing against his crotch. When their lips broke apart she pulled her top up. Kai grabbed her full breasts and sunk into the deep passion she was spewing with. He stated into her eyes that were so mesmerizing and moaned as he felt her hand slide into his pants. Anna giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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