Chapter 1-Audition?

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I was currently with my friends at a park since school was over. I was telling my friends my plan on auditioning to, hopefully, become an idol. We were all sitting around some benches just enjoying each others presence.

"You've only just turned 14 how will your mom ever let you audition for anything?" was all I heard from one of my friends.

"Actually... I already sent in my audition video..." I told them looking at the floor. I didn't want to see their reactions just in case they would make fun of me.

"You go girl! I can't believe you actually went through with it!" my friend Madeline exclaimed. She has always been the one to support me in anything I wanted to do.

"Finally! I thought I would have to hear our little chipmunk go on and on about wanting to be an idol," my friend Hayden said as he fist bumped me.

"Oh I'm so proud of you chipmunk, you're definitely going to get in," Asher said giving me a bear hug. He's Hayden's twin but is much more sensible and yet equally as chaotic as his twin.

Everything went silent after what Asher had said. I looked up at their faces to see them all smiling at me, but only one person had remained quiet. My closest friend, Leah, was staring at me with tears in her eyes. I could see the emotions passing through her eyes, I wasn't sure if she was happy for me or maybe she was mad. All I could do was stare back at her with a sad look, my eyes welling up at the idea that she might get mad at me for having auditioned.

"Leah? Are you okay?" I asked her in hushed voice, too scared to speak up at the idea that she might tell me off. There was a long pause before she finally decided to come towards me and hug me.

"Oh munky I'm so dang proud of you. When you finally make it as a big artist, don't forget about us," she whispered in my ear, her voice was muffled by my shoulder but still understandable.

I looked at the others with a big smile on my face as I reached out to them to join the hug. Instantly I was engulfed in one big bear hug from all of them. They were the only people I had considered my friends for so long. They were the ones that stood up for me when someone would try and trash talk me or make fun of me for my name. The twins protected me as their younger sister even if I was older than them by months. To have them with me all these years meant so much to me and now knowing that they support me with my decision made me realize just how grateful I am to them.

The six of us finally let go and just laughed. We stayed at the park until we realized that it had started getting late. Reaching for my phone and checking the time reading 5:55, I decided that I should start heading home. We all lived close to each other so none of us would be walking home alone.

"I'm heading home now guys, it's already late and I'm sure my mom is expecting me for dinner soon" I said looking around the group and gathering my things.
They all instantly started gathering their things to head home as well.

"C'mon, let's go," Hayden said as he walked up to me and threw his arm around my shoulders.
Asher came around to my other side and held onto my hand like a little kid. Both Leah and Madeline walked in front of us.

15 minutes later it was just Leah and I walking together towards our houses. She lived right in front of my house so we were always the last ones to get home seeing as everyone else lived one street down from us. Soon we were standing outside my house, I turned to look at her and hugged her again.

"Thank you for understanding and not being mad at me for my decision," I told her as we hugged each other tighter.

"I would never be mad at you munky. Just promise to always update us once you're an idol," she said as she let go and held my hands looking me in the eyes.

"I promise" I told her as I linked our pinkies together and sealing the promise.

"Okay than, see you tomorrow at school, I love ya," she said as she walked towards her house waving at me.

"See you and I love ya too," I told her as I walked up the steps to my porch.
As I walked in I quickly took my shoes off and walked towards the living room. Walking into the living room I saw my younger sister sitting on the couch watching some cartoon that was on t.v.

"Hi bub, how was school?" I asked her as I walked up to her and sitting on the couch.

"Li-li you're home!" she exclaimed as she threw herself in my arms.

As she said that I saw mom walking in with my older brother behind her. I got up from the couch with my sister in and walked towards my mom giving her a hug.

"Hi ma," I told her as I let go of the hug.

"Hey lil' sis" my brother greeted as he ruffled my hair.

"Welcome home baby," my mom said as she took my sister from my arms, "now go wash up and come sit down for dinner."

I saluted her to which she gave me a look that had my brother laughing and me rushing towards my room. As I got to my room I opened up my laptop and saw that I had an e-mail notification but decided to look at it after washing up. I walked towards my closet and got out some pjs, undergarments, and my towel before walking towards the bathroom. I quickly turned on the hot water before turning on the cold water to even out the temperature. After about 5 minutes of just standing under the water I started to wash up. About 15 minutes later I was done and walked out the steaming shower to change. Quickly putting on my clothes after feeling the warmth starting to disappear, I let my hair down and brushed it before deciding to let it air dry while I had dinner.
Walking out the bathroom I remembered the email notification and went to check it out. I walked towards my desk where my laptop was and opened the email. I hadn't noticed the sender whilst I read the words that I had been praying to read.

—Hello dear Liú Xue, we received your audition tape and are proud to tell you that you passed the audition.—

As I read those words I couldn't believe that I had actually passed. With shaky hands I took my laptop and walked towards the kitchen.

"," I said as I walked towards her still in shock.

"What is it baby? What happened?" she asked turning around towards me and seeing my laptop in my hands.

"I passed ma....I passed..." I whispered not even sure if she heard me.

"Passed what baby? What is this?" she asked once again, this time taking the laptop from my hands and reading the email.

Both of my siblings huddled around my mom as well to read the email wondering what was happening. My mom looked up towards me with a smile and tears in her eyes. She quickly walked up to me and held my face in her hands.

"Oh my baby is going to be a star," she said as she strolled my cheek.

"I don't get it," said my little sister as she looked up at mom and I with a confused face.

Our brother picked her up and told her, " It means that Li-li is going to be famous Ài. Congratulations lil' sis but one question, you're only 14 so how will you live there?"

He looked towards mom with a questioning look. My mom looked towards him than back at me before a thoughtful look settled on her face.

"Hmmm....that's a good question Yìchén. We'll talk more about it after dinner, now come on come on sit down," she said as she served a rice plate for each of us.

I quickly closed my laptop and put it on the couch in the living room before walking back towards the kitchen and sitting down to eat. This was finally it, my dream is starting to come true and hopefully soon enough I will be living in the place I've only dreamt of. South Korea here I come so be prepared for little ol' me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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