Thats just life

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Honking horns of the rush hour traffic blasted in the distance, and the sun set as the beautiful neon city lit up. Acronix walked through the doorway of his apartment looking a bit frazzled. His work uniform, a light blue t-shirt with the Borg Industries logo on the sleeve, was wrinkled from a long day's work. Across the room, Krux was finishing off the dishes. He perked up the moment he noticed his brother walking into the kitchen. He greeted his little brother as he walked over and took a seat at the table; face planting on it.

"How was work?" Krux questioned while he sat on the chair opposite of Acronix.

"It was good. Busy, but good. Who knew so many people break their technology? I had to fix 7 Borg Pads alone today. How hard is it not to drop these things?!"

Krux couldn't help but chuckle at how done his sibling looked. "I guess this generation is just clumsy? But I am to assume you got paid extra for all that?"

Acronix nodded.

"That's great."

They sat in silence for a few moments. Before a thought dawned on Krux and he sort of just said it out loud.

"What do you think we would say...? If we went back in time and met ourselves when we were kids?"

Acronix lifted his face from out of his crossed arms with intrigue.

"I mean, do you think they'd be mad at us?" Krux continued. "You know, for everything we did? For listening to Chen and turning on the elemental alliance?... For being... the villains?"

The younger brother stared at his older sibling's face, almost like he was blown away by his display of regret. Like he didn't know how to process it. Then, he looked away. "I mean- maybe? We're not villains anymore though. But... it's funny huh? That when we were kids, we never could have even imagined being in this situation. All we were concerned about was playing pretend in the woods behind our house."

Krux cracked a smile; reminiscing about all the ways they used to make up all sorts of adventures and creatures. Using tree branches as weapons that held untold power. They even tried building a tree house at some point, but it never really worked out. When they were younger, they looked completely identical, so they'd always pull pranks that involved them switching places. It was so fun messing around in their little village. Truthfully, Krux missed it dearly; and so did his brother. Who knows what it even looks like now a days? Perhaps it wasn't even there anymore... who knows?

"So, what do you want to do now? Any plans for dinner?" Acronix questioned.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

The younger brother glanced out the window behind him; scanning the city. "We could always just grab something quick from that Chen's Noodle place down the street?"

Krux shrugged. "Sure. I mean, I'm honestly still impressed by how long that chain has been open." He left the kitchen and grabbed his wallet and coat. "You coming brother?"

Acronix happily jumped up and followed his brother out the door. Sure, they'd only been in this time period for a little over half a year, but they were both pretty content with their lives now. Living a normal life in the city was great. As mentioned earlier, Acronix now worked at a Borg Industries tech store. Obviously, Cyrus himself was long dead at this point, but his company still continued to thrive. Who was in charge of it now? Acronix had mentioned her name being Mikku. Apparently a descendent of the brilliant doctor that the twins had captured. Fitting that she'd be in charge of Borg Industries considering that her name meant future. Krux was mostly retired and just did whatever while his brother was at work. But every once in a while, he'd go to work at the museum a few blocks away. Not the one he was used to, but he still enjoyed teaching kids about what was now considered ancient history. He'd even discovered the old painting of their battle against the elemental masters. It was falling apart though. Maybe for the best. And just like the canvas that depicted their betrayal, they themselves were putting the past behind them. For the most part. They weren't proud of what they did, but part of them didn't regret it either. They wouldn't have been where they were if all that never happened. And sometimes, that's just how life goes. You do things you regret... the only sad part is, sometimes you don't realize how much you'll regret it until it's too late.

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."

"Only you can control your future"
-Dr. Seuss



They wouldn't object to a little ninja related revenge if the time ever came. The only question is--- will it?

THE END. Or is it?

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