Hi. I'm Maddy, and I'm a lifeguard. Before I get into some stories from my...eccentric workplace, I thought I'd give some backstory.
I'm a freshman bi girl who has anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Do with that information what you will. I started working at this pool in January of 2023, and by the time this has been published, I've been here a little over five months.
The pool I work at has two pools, a competition one, and a recreational one separated by a giant glass wall that has curtains that can cover it for swim meets. From this point forward, they will be referred to as comp side and rec side.
On comp side, there are ten lanes. Lane one is 7ft deep, ten is 12. Over lanes eight through ten, three diving boards loom over the pool ominously. On one side, there are giant concrete bleachers, on the adjacent wall, a door that leads to a maintenance room of sorts.
On rec side, we have an area with basketball hoops, a beach/little kid area, a lazy river, a cube, a corridor, and a slide and slide return with a lifeguard chair hanging over it. These will be referred to as hoops, beach, river respectively henceforth.
Our cast of character, with more to probably be added are:
Grace, coworker
Logan, boss
Clare, big boss
Juleah, big boss
Erik, boss
Olivia, coworker
Raleigh, coworker
Connor 1, coworker
Connor 2, coworker
Andy, boss/coworker
Sam, coworker
Jameson, coworker
The stories from this place will sound like bullshit. Enjoy the chaos.
the lonely lifeguard
Randoma journey of a high school girl working at a strange pool