Red "Heads"

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Cole's POV:

Hey, I am Cole. Cole Baklashev for your information., and I have a cross necklace around my neck. You may know me because I get all the ladies. The truth is, I use this to cover up the fact that I am secretly gay. Yeah, you heard me. I am gay. I admit it. I may go to a school that is extremely homophobic but oh well I am speaking my truth. I am a gay man, and I am into redheads. Sometimes I skip my marketing class because I cannot help but see this specific redhead during 3rd lunch. You may know him. He is quite the charm and while him playing tennis is definitely a turn-off, I can deal with it. I love the way his hair sashays in the horrible cafeteria wind; It is why I fart so often to make it sway. Sometimes I wish he would blow me the way he blows his clarinet: hard and loud. There is a reason I am joining the band next year (WINKY FACE). Anyway, enough about this, let's get started.

I like Michael. Michael Stipantiz to be exact. It is why I told Hunter to share my soapy yiddy challenge in the group chat. I thought Michael might see it and fall in love with me. I also like to play Roblox, fun fact, sorry I am getting off-topic. Anyway, I like Michael. Today, I am going to confess my true feelings to him during 3rd lunch, which is about in 5 minutes. It is time for my ultimate rizz challenge: Michael rizz. I watch the minutes tick down on my fitbit because I cannot afford an apple watch. 4 minute...3 minutes...2 minutes.... 1. RING. I brush my hair and pucker my lips. I am ready.

I see him walking over to me. OMG, this is happening! I cannot wait to talk to him.

"H-h-hey Michael," I clearly am already messing this up.

"What is up, Cole?" Michael asks.

"Come with me to the janitor's closet. I need to tell you something."

"All right.." replies Michael. He must think I am weird.

I lead him into the janitor's closet. Inside there is another closet with a lot of clothing. I usher him to follow me into the closet and behind all the clothes is a secret door. He is shocked. I have some tricks up my sleeve after all. I open the door and lead him into Narnia: the world of yacht boats. I found out this existed a long time ago. I love yachts and Thomas the Train.

His eyes looked shocked. He is totally falling in love with me already. We step onto my newest yacht: The Choo Choo 3000.

"Wow... Cole. How did you find all this?" asks Michael. I find that it is my time to tell him the truth.

"I found this for you, Michael, my love. Your red hair turns me on like nothing else. It is the reason I started eating beans so that I had big enough farts to make it sashay. You are like no other man I met before. You have eyes that look into my soul even though you have no soul. It is something I could never comprehend. I may not be a redhead, but I am still a man. A man who loves you, who cherishes you, and wants to be with you forever. I love you, Michael Stipantiz. I love all of you," I admit.

"Wow buddy, uhhh okay. This is interesting," he replies. THIS IS ALL HE HAS TO SAY? AFTER I SAID ALL OF THAT??? HOW DARE HE WHEN I LOVE HIS RED ASS.

"Is that all you have to say?" I respond softly.

"No. I-well, Cole. I just cannot believe this. I have always loved you. Ever since I met you. I have loved you. Your eyes ignite my soul. Your body is a temple I want to explore. I would climb mountains for you. I would travel anywhere if it meant to see you. I love you," Michael confesses. LET'S GOOOOOO. HE LIKES ME BACK #AWESOME.

"Well then, #twinsies. Want me to give you head on the yacht," I ask.

"Yeah, sure. I need it. It has been a long day at school, and I could use a release.


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