Watch with me! -macro steven pred vore story+peridot

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"Ok, Steven, come on!" "Watch the one last episode of the 2nd season of Camp Of Pining Hearts with me!" Peridot tries to convince Steven to come and watch with her in the barn, but he does not want to as he is busy on his adventure with Connie, he just came here to get something and then he would be on his way back. Steven says "I won't be able to do that sadly, Peridot!" "I can't, I am in a mission with Connie." Then Peridot says "Fine, if you do not want to watch, at least let me have one of your energy drinks you have in your bag!" Peridot goes into Steve's bag and sees lots of energy drinks with different flavors. She then sees one that says "shrinking flavor". That is odd, but since it is an interesting flavor to her to see, she tries it without Steven knowing. He was looking away while this was happening. Peridot then drank and then shrank a lot of inches down and went down to 2 inches. She was small like a bug then. Steven then saw her, but he did not see her as a regular gem, but a bug. When she realized that Steven was thinking she is a bug. She tried to run away with her little legs but Steven got her right away and put the gem in his slimy mouth. He swallowed her right away. Or should we say he swallowed "the bug" right away! She went down his esophagus from his big mouth to his stomach, which was kind of comfy for her to be in, but still too slimy and weird. She then laid there for ages. Until Steven thought about "Where is Peridot anyway?" Then he realized that maybe peridot might have been the bug he saw a little earlier in the morning. Then he got shocked and threw her up. She was tired, wet, and the worst of all, upset with Steven. Steven tried saying sorry a lot of times, but Peri just kept saying "This is useless". I wish someday they could've made up for that, well they did eventually and talked again, but you know. 

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