Episode 1: Food Conspiracy

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After a long battle of battling Nien's Zero bots, the Miniforce go home to Suzie's house and everything explodes as they walk away from it. They're so cool they don't even look back behind them as they walk away from the destruction.

While the Miniforce were battling the Zero bots, their human friend, Suzie, was making pancakes and when they returned to the house they could smell the delicious aroma of them. The Miniforce are so glad about this as their stomachs growl with hunger. The aroma fills their nostrils and it entices their hungry bellies.

"Thank you, Suzie!" They all say as they snatch up their forks.

Suzie smiles, "Your weleco-" She stops in her tracks when she sees how dirty they are and her shock quickly melts into anger. She stomps over to them and interrupts them when they were beginning to eat.

She glares down at them and Volt, "bravely", turns his head up to face her as he looks like someone told him to stop running for his life.

"Don't you know if you eat while dirty you'll get sick!" She yells as the Miniforce all looked annoyed, "Go wash!" She points sharply towards the bathroom.

"But, Suzie we're hungry!" Volt whines, "We can wash after!"

Lucy picks her head up and nods, "Yeah we can wash after," She says gently.

"Nope!" Suzie answers sharply, "Go wash!" She reaffirms her finger towards the bathroom.

 "Suzieeee I'm starving!!!" Volt collapses on the ground as he puts his paw over his forehead, "If I don't eat I'll wither away into nothing!!"

"You're fine," She calls out his lie.

Volt slams his paw on the ground as he quickly comes up with another idea, "Fine," He says as he stands up, "Then I can't give you these-" He runs off the table and out of the house. He's gone for around two minutes before dashing back into the house and on the table, "Suzieeee, I got you two tickets for the amusement park!" He says with a smile, "If you let us eat, you can have them!"

 "No, go wash."

"What even took you so long?" Lucy asks.

"He probably actually went to the amusement park," Sammy responds while rolling his eyes.

"URG!" Volt growls, "Fine!" He yells as he runs off again, but comes back in a few seconds with a briefcase that he presents to Suzie, "I'll have no choice, but to give you my absolute favorite," He begins to open it, "PEANUTSS-"

"Not a chance," She says annoyed as she shuts it, "Go wash."

Volt sighs in defeat, "Fine...." He slowly walks off to go do it as Max and Lucy follow. Sammy stays seated while folding his feathers and looks as emo as usual.

"Pathetic," He says while shaking his head.

Suzie looks down at him, "What?" She asks sharply.

"This is pointless," Sammy starts, "If we wash too much we'll be wasting water. We need to conserve water it is a very important substance and if we waste it all on..." He looks up at Suzie and stops as he sees how angry she looks.

"GO WASH NOW!" She yells causing his feathers to blow back a bit.

He starts internally panicking as he gets the message, "Oh, look at that I'm sweating," He says as it's clearly forced, "I should go wash up." He quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom.

As the Miniforce walk to the bathroom to wash up they get a call from their Transchangers, alerting them that there's another mission to be done. They run to go learn what is the mission and then complete it!

"So that's the robot?" Volt asks a bit underwhelmed by it as he's in his bright blue Miniforce suit. He stares at what he sees as a glorified orb with dinky, snappable legs and arms, "We can easily take it down, but let's call in the Transcars for good measure!"

"Transcars dispatch!" Volt yells as he slaps his arms together near his chestplate. The other three follow after him.

"Dispatch!" They yell as they slap their arms together near their chestplates.

🎵Do DOOOO, mur mur! MUUUUURRRR! Bur doooooo!🎵

The Transcars show up after the most epic song that ever played plays.

"Remember Commander Chen said the eye is the weak point!" Lucy says through the coms.

"Right!" Her three friends say in agreement. They all know what to do.

Lucy, Max, and Sammy split off into their own group as they all begin firing separate attacks at the Mechamon. It's a barrage of attacks that just bounce off or barely annoy it.

The Mechamon shoots at Lucy first and she soon gets taken down by it. It turns its attention to the charging Max who it grabs and hurls with all of its strength at the firing Sammy, knocking them both down.

It takes them all down with little ease and due to it not being built for intelligence, it doesn't question why it was so easy or that they didn't say anything when it took them down like it was planned.

With the Mechamon being distracted, Sammy gives the signal, "Now, Volt!"

"Wing of Sun fire!" Volt yells as the Wing of Sun fires right through the Mechamon's singular eye. It begins to collapse before exploding dramatically making sure it never hits the ground.

"They so easily beat my Mechamon," Nien laughs darkly to himself as leans against his table while sitting, "Stupid Miniforce brats!" He slams his fists against the table as he growls. His fist trembles in anger and he looks like he's about to slam his fist again, but is interrupted by the small, octagon-shaped elevator emerging from the table.

He looks up in curiosity as his Zerobots emerge from it shakily and soon all collapse onto the ground as the bright blue ranger he's grown to hate stares right back at him with all of the corpses at his feet.

Silently and intensely.

Not caring at all about the carnage at his heels.


This felt like a glorified crackpost to write, especially with my Transcar song I made and I love it.

This chapter is fairly short and so will the next one in all honesty, but I promise you these get big real fast. Believe me, they do

But what do you think the ending scene could mean?

I also apologize in advance about these being obviously heavily inspired by the episodes, so it can be a bit predictable, but I'm excited for this in all honesty, and the ideas I have planned!

So I hope you enjoy the first chapter and will stay tuned for the rest! Have a good day or night!

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