II. See You Soon

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Chapter Two
See You Soon ‎ ‎Angel‎ ‎ ‎

Chapter TwoSee You Soon ✹‎ ‎Angel‎ ‎ ‎

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The weeks went by fast. It was already the day of her flight and her roommates were urging her to get leave already.

It was 11pm and her flight leaves at 3.

She ignored the teasing looks plastered on their faces and pressed play on La La Land as it was playing on screen. Their eyes now focused on the screen once again until Gracie spoke up.

"You ever see you and Julien as Seb and Mia?" She absentmindedly asks and both actresses look her direction. Myles with her eyebrows furrowed, asking her to shut up through her expression while Symone had a look on her face that looked like she'd just seen a ghost, looking at Gracie's way slowly.

The movie continued to play in the background as Gracie gave them a shrug. "Like uh, the dynamic of their relationship — at the end." She muttered the last part, afraid of how Symone would react.

She still felt the spotlight was on her, mouth twitching and wishing for Symone to answer back.

"Ah, yeah I get it." The actress manages to get out, followed by a soft chuckle. The movie was finished by 1am. Tears streaming down their faces as the last part was shown.

Although, Myles fell asleep before it finished and since she was a heavy sleeper — the pair did not bother waking her up as Symone left the apartment.

The drive to the airport was quick. Something she was grateful for. Now, she was walking around the airport for some food as the plane food would always be overpriced. With her head hanging low and headphones blasting at the loudest volume possible, she bumped into people constantly and mouthing apologies to them.

A few minutes later, she finally found the food court. She lines up for the Dunkin Donuts stall and waited for her order to be taken. Her headphones were now playing the same song of Boygenius that she and her friends heard weeks ago.

Eyes scanning the menu shown on screen. She orders a medium hot chocolate and a Ham sandwich. Once she received her order, she proceeds to sit on a vacant seat, placing the straw in her drink and opening her Spotify.

Symone clicks on the album playing. The Record by Boygenius.

She had no idea it was their debut album, deciding to listen to all the songs as she ate and waited for her boarding time.

It was now 2 in the morning.

4 pairs of legs scurrying around Julien's apartment while she watches with a tired look on her face. Her dog, Beans kept jumping over the couch every time she attempted to place him in the cage.

"Beans come on..." She says as she caresses his face but it still doesn't get him to stop. The pillows on the couch now on the floor and

Julien walks over to the kitchen cabinet and takes a dog bone she bought a while back. "There," She places it inside the cage for him to get in which he does.

Now, she was in her car. Julien tries her best to overtake each car as the plane gets off at 3 but there were still a lot of things to do before she could board.

Car now parked, the bags and Beans' cage now placed on a cart. She pushes it as fast as she could to the check-in counter. Thankfully, there was no line at all.

It was 15 minutes before the flight.

Symone was still seated at Dunkin and had to endure the pain she received from the album she was listening to. The emotions were raw and lyrics written so well. Once the last song finished, she gets up. Walking up to the seats closer to her gate.

Julien only had her carry-on backpack now and walked to the food court, looking for Dunkin Donuts. Since high school, she was obsessed with their iced coffee and even got herself a tattoo in honor of her love for the cafe.

As she turned around the corner to the food court, she notices someone that looked similar to a friend. Even doing a double take on the girl. She continues to walk straight ahead to Dunkin and orders. After getting her order, Julien instantly drinks her coffee, now feeling the caffeine in her veins.

Minutes after, the plane's staff announced that boarding had started. Symone's seat was at the end of the plane so they got to be the first ones to get in. She takes her passport and boarding pass out and lines up.

Julien gets out of her seat once she heard the boarding announcement. She lines up with her boarding pass and coffee in hand. The line was getting shorter as the minutes went on.

Once they both got into the plane, fate would not let them see each other at all. Symone's seat was at the end of the plane, making her and the people in the same section enter the plane first while Julien was seated by the front.

They both thought of what they'd say to each other once they meet at the reunion. Would they continue to ignore what happened days before the graduation? Would they talk about their situation? Had Julien actually seen her movies? What did Symone think of her recent songs? Did she figure out which ones were meant for her?

Countless thoughts rumbling through their head as the flight went on.

Countless thoughts rumbling through their head as the flight went on

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Angel ✶ Julien BakerWhere stories live. Discover now