Episode 17: The Final Battle

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Team M&S blast off to fight Bowser and Eggman

Bowser: so doc where do we begin?

Dr Eggman: well I'm glad you asked. First we- uh oh

Bowser: what?

Dr Eggman: look!

They see Team M&S flying towards them

Bowser: what?! Them?! How?!

Dr Eggman: doesn't matter. We got the chaos energy and so we can take them

White Tanooki Mario: did ya miss us guys?

Dr Eggman: I see you've both decided to try and stop us! That's gonna be your last mistake substandard heroes

Super Sonic: then if we're "substandard" that means as standard heroes we can make as many mistakes as we want!

Bowser: still just as annoying as always! Let's get em!

White Tanooki Mario: let's-a go!

Super Sonic: time to party!

White Kitsune Luigi: okie dokie!

Super Tails: I'll give it my best shot!

Dragon Yoshi: here we go!

Super Knuckles: time for a Knuckle sandwich!

Super Shadow: I'll show you my ultimate power!

Bowser: it's show time!

Dr Eggman: this will be fun!

They fly towards the Mecha Bowser robot and the fight starts

White Tanooki Mario: ready Sonic?

Super Sonic: as ready as I'll ever be Mario!

The fight rages on with neither side showing any sides of slowing down.

Dr Eggman: hahahahaha! Nice try! This Mech is just too strong to break! We upgraded the last time you fought it!

Bowser: just give up already! You can't win!

White Kitsune Luigi: sorry Bowser! But mom didn't-a raise a quitter!

Super Tails: none of our parents did!

Super Shadow: must be nice to have some ya know..

Super Sonic: guys I think I might know how we can beat him everyone just gather towards me!

They all gather around Sonic

Super Knuckles: so what's the plan Sonic?

Super Sonic: the one thing we can do. A super double boost

Super Tails: wouldn't it technically be a double boost x7?

Dragon Yoshi: dose it really matter?! Let's just do it already!

they get ready for the x7 double boost and charge straight through the core of the Mecha Bowser robot

Bowser: what?! NOOOOOOOOO?!


The mech then explodes destroying it and sending Bowser and Eggman flying!



Both Bowser and Eggman end up crashing on an island

Dr Eggman: oh dear..

Bowser: oh well.. nice time of the year for a vaction right?

Dr Eggman: *sigh* maybe...

Back with the heroes

White Tanooki Mario: we did it! It's-a over!

White Kitsune Luigi: yeah! We won!

Dragon Yoshi: And lived

Super Sonic: alright!

Super Tails: we stopped them!

Super Knuckles: yeah!

Super Shadow: *smirks* very good

They all fly back down and return to normal. Luigi then gets a call from Professor E Gadd

Luigi: hello?

Tails: Professor?

E Gadd: Luigi? Tails? Can you hear me?

Luigi: yes...

E Gadd: good. Just letting you know that the machine is finally ready. I suggest you return and say your goodbyes to each other

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