Peasant Boy (Part 1!)

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(wizard is a prince, gingerbrave is a peasant boy)

(Tw:A very small amount of cursing, i worked hard on this, so enjoy!)

"Ok dear, you can walk outside for a bit" i hear my mom say, "but be home soon!" i tell her i will and leave, i walk down the massive stairs and rush outside the castle, you may be thinking,'Oh you're a prince, why would they let you outside alone?' Well my mom says i've become strong enough with spells, not to brag, but i can knock out someone with one spell. Anyway, i walked around wearing a disguise,I look like a poor boy,My parents always told me to pity the people who weren't like us, as they were probably dumber, i set my hat down and started to daydream...a couple minutes later, i felt the hat being tugged out of my hand,i snapped back to reality to see a cake hound bringing my hat to the other side of the kingdom, the bad part of the kingdom, the guards never patrolled over, i could've gotten a new hat...but no, i wasn't gonna lose my favorite hat.  I rushed after the hound, but i lost him,maybe he went behind a building, i started looking when i saw movement in a dumpster. I waited to see if the noise happened again, it did..something was in here, it may have been the dog, this is stupid, but i'm staying. I opened it. Suddenly a cookie,about my age,  popped out, he had blue eyes, a messy hoodie, and a confused smile "Hello?" he said "Need something?" i took a bit to respond "I-i was just looking for a dog with my hat...why are you in there?" ''Oh! I'm just looking for something,but let me help you!" he got out of the dumpster "I'm Gingerbrave!" he said, shaking my hand,i was gonna tell him mine, but i know he may know me, so i started walking after nodding, he suddenly grabbed my arm and started speed walking, pulling me along. "So, what is your name?" "Star" it was a nickname my mom called me, i didn't wanna tell him my name , so i lied "Why did you trust me so quickly?" i was honestly confused , i usually don't trust people this early on, but he felt warm and welcoming..he looked at me, beaming , "Well, I got nothing to lose, why should i not?" he didn't wait for an answer and ran with my hand in his,we searched for hours, and decided to take a break, we sat on the ground, panting, he took off his hood revealing kinda messy white hair, i stared at him, looking at his face...he had cute features,like a few scars , when he smiled at me, it looked like one of his teeth were cracked, he was kinda tall, and he had really kissable lips....wait what...fuck, damn you gay thoughts! (idk why that's so funny to me) why do i do i have to be cursed to be parents would never accept a gay child, that's not what they want. "Hey, you ok?" Gingerbrave asked me,snapping me out of my gay thoughts "You've just been uh, staring at me, like for a bit hah" he smiled at me, laughing while i was blushing, half out of embarrassment and  half out of having a small crush,Oh my Witches, Wizard, you JUST met this guy.."Uh..maybe we should keep looking?" i said,getting up "Oh yeah!" just as he got up, I saw the dog! "There!" I said, running towards the dog, i somehow snuck up on him and grabbed my hat, Brave was right behind me, "You got it!" i nodded and said thanks for helping, "Hey, want me to walk you home, it can be dangerous over here" he offered "No, thanks, but.." "but what?" i kissed his cheek and ran off, i can't believe i did that! 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gingerbraves P.o.v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Woah..he kissed my cheek, honestly, he was pretty cute, so i'm kinda happy about it, i walked home,it's not huge and fancy but it gives me shelter, i flop onto bed and think about him, i hope i see him again!

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