The Gang

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July 9th, the three men now had plenty of food and water after having recently hunted last night for supplies.

"Do y'all think she's ok?" Tyke asked as he eyed his cards while playing a little game with the boys.

"I'm sure she's fine, kid." Sebastian answered, "Now keep your eyes on the cards."

"Oh, I will..." Tyke mumbled, rolling his eyes in response.

All of a sudden there would be a knock at the door. Dallas raised a brow and went over to it with his shotgun.

Slowly the man would open the door, expecting to see Mary standing out there. Unfortunately for him it wasn't her, instead a group of four men stood wearing all grey clothes with smirks on their faces.

These four men were Blake Smith, Ryan Johnson, Albert Ketchum, and Butch Billy James.

"Hello?..." Dallas muttered.

Albert would pull out a thick cloth before wiping some sweat off his face and chuckling.

"Howdy there, partner." The man greeted. "Our uh... Our horse recently broke down and we was wonderin' if we could uh... Stay here for just a little bit."

Dallas was taken aback by this, he immediately shook his head and told him, "No."

"No?... Why is that, bud?" Albert asked. "Did I make a bad first impression?"

"We ain't trustin' no one in our house..." Dallas simply answered. The only person he would have actually trusted is Mary.

"That so? Well sorry to hear that, may we camp outside your place? We promise not to disturb y'all or anythin' like that." Albert told them. "Plus... We'll provide whatever we can to y'all. We promise."

"Provide whatever you can?" Dallas replied, "Provide one example..."

Albert let out a little chuckle, pulling out a small bag of golden coins. "Here's one example." He said with a smirk.

"Wouldn't really call that an example. Food and water would be much better at this time... But fuck it, I'll take that for now." Dallas grumbled, snatching the bag of coins from Albert and placing it down on a nearby shelf. "You may stay outside for a bit until whatever luck comes your way. But after that I want y'all out of here, are we clear?"

Albert nodded his head and so did the rest of his men.

"So uh... Boss, what're we gonna eat tonight?" Butch asked out of nowhere. He couldn't wait to eat, the man never could in general.

Later that night they would all be outside while the stars were shining beautifully. Ryan and Blake were currently working on the horse while Dallas, Butch, Albert, Tyke, and Sebastian sat across from each other with a warm fire started in front of them.

This time it would a pretty cold night, and tomorrow was expected to be the hottest of the year.

Tyke hummed a little, though it was pretty annoying sounding while Dallas just let out a deep sigh, the hit of regret stuck him for letting the dhampir have his fun with guests currently present.

Sebastian didn't mind the young dhampir's horrid attempt at humming the tune of a certain song that they once heard within a saloon.

"That's some nice singin' you have there." Albert commented with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck yeah it is! Glad y'all have finally noticed!" Tyke chuckled.

"Sounds familiar, what song is it? I believe it was by some guy named Johnny... But I'm not sure." Butch said.

"Johnny Wilson." Dallas replied.

Tyke just grinned widely and looked over at Sebastian. Butch didn't quite get why he was doing that, but Sebastian seemed to be in on it, he just lightly smirked back.

"Johnny Wilson played some of the best music around here in Texas. He was born in Arizona, and his ass was vicious right out the god damn womb." Albert claimed. This was nothing more than a small rumor that Johnny Wilson had been born a rotten devil.

"Woah! Really?!" Tyke gasped upon hearing this newly fed information spewed from Albert's mouth.

"That's just a myth, or a rumor." Dallas mumbled.

"Oh, nah. It ain't. Trust me, my great grandmother saw it with her own eyes on May 5th." Albert chuckled. "She said his mother was loud as fuck when givin' birth, louder than the average lady. The little fucker must've been horrid to squeeze out."

Butch just started laughing a little at that, Dallas didn't seem impressed whatsoever. He just stared into the fire in front of him before letting out a deep sigh and standing up.

"Best not to mock the suffering of another." The man told them.

"We ain't." Albert stated.

Dallas just huffed a little, eyeing his robotic arm and tapping it a few times to make sure it still worked well.

"Say, how much did that arm of yours cost?" Albert would ask all of a sudden while raising a brow.

"Got it for free." Dallas simply answered, showing it off to its fullest.

Ryan came back over to the group, panting a little while his face was pretty dirtied from working so hard on the robotic horse. He then gave a small thumbs up and half smile.

"Y'all, I think I've perfected my twirling skills!" Tyke squealed, smirking before pulling out his revolvers and attempting to twirl them perfectly.

Everyone watched, including Dallas despite him not having much faith in the dhampir's skills. He simply awaited the incoming disaster that was about to unfold before their very eyes.

Soon enough it happened, while Tyke giggled upon doing slightly decently for the first fifteen seconds, he suddenly lost control and ended up having his guns fly up into the air, crashing into a nearby bush.

"Jesus fucking Christ..." Dallas grumbled, shaking his head a little.

"Th-The horse is almost... D-Done..." Ryan panted further, soon dropping onto his knees and collapsing.

"Alright... Y'all better start your journey some place else..." Dallas reminded them. "Remember?"

Albert nodded his head and soon he and his boys would ride off into the night.

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