Aurora pov.

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"What?" I exclaim in disbelief as I look at my best friend.
"You want me! To get the head cheerleader to go to prom with you! Charlie you know she hates me." I protest with a soft sign as I twist the combo to open my locker. "It's just not possible she would kill me before I got two words out. And I dont think your her type."
"But you lost the bet my dear Aurora." He say a smirk tugging on his pale lips. This kid is as pale as a vampire with jet black hair and he wants to go out with a cheerleader, hes out of his mind. And if it wernt for that dumb bet we wouldnt be going through this right now. Since our football team beat the ravens I have to help Charlie. Last time I place my trust in a bunch of birds.
"Fine I'll try.." I mumble shoving my homework into my book bag.
"Yes thank you!" He cheers spinning me around and pulling me into a tight hug. I stiffen before melting into his embrace, his minty scent filling the air.
Almost to soon he pushes me away harshly, as I smack into the lockers. I fall to the floor in a sitting position as I back of my head.
"Oh my god sorry!" Charlie stammers as he holds out his hand towards me, I take it and start to pull myself up. Have you ever gotten this weird sensation where you feel like you fell off a cliff even though you just tripped. suddenly his hand was gone and thats how I felt. I glared up at his toned figure leaning against the lokers as he stares at the end of the hall, following his gaze I spot the cause of his rude behavior. A tall girl pushes her shiny blonde hair back as her pink strapless top pops out her chest. Her hips away with every step as her jean skirt moves effortlessly showing off her slim tan legs. And yes before you ask its against the dress code for her to wear this but does she get into trouble? No.
"Hey Ashley" Charlie says shyly as he gazes at her like a love sick puppy. She sums him up and go to turn but spots me in my black hoodie and torn paint splattered jeans. Instantly her face scrunches into a look of pure disgust, then she smirks softly and coos. "Hello~" his eyes widen showing off the green specks among the chocolate brown, and my stomach turns threatening to make me throw up. I scramble up and stand behind Charlie partly to hide and partly to glare at the wicked queen. "Hey shouldn't you be leaving?" Charlie asks pulling me out of my trance. I look up at him surprised as he gives me that look. How I hate that look. It's the look that says 'get out of here you're embarrassing me.' I drop my eyes and not as I shut the locker and pull on my book bag. "Bye.." I mumble shoving my way past Ashley and down the hall through the large black doors.
Later that night I sit with my aunt as we eat mac'n'cheese again for dinner. "Aurora are you listening?" I look up from the noodles that I've been stabbing absentmindedly and stare at the cold eyes of my aunt. "Yes ma'am?" I question careful to keep my tone neutral. "Dont you ever listen? I said im leaving for another buisness trip tonight, and that means I wont be home for a few months. And since I dont trust you at all you'll have a babysitter understood?" I look at her dumbfounded before pushing my chair back and slamming my hands on the table. "Im not a little kid! I dont need a babysitter!" I practically shout. She glares and stands up slapping me across the face, not hard but it stings and I but my tounge. I sit back in the chair and glare at her. She clicks her tounge and snaps "you know why I have a babysitter you rotten brat!" I roll my eyes and shift my glare to my feet. It's not that my aunt doesnt love me infact im sure shes doing it because she loves me, the last time she went on a trip, she found me in the bathtub full of freezing water and my arms sliced. I had only just passed out and she got me to the hospital where once I recovered I then spend 2 weeks in rehab where they determinded I was fixed, as if I was a toy and not a human. While I was gone she took everything I could harm myself with and got a lock for my window. We live near a pond and shes worried I might try to drown myself.
"What are you gonna tell them?" I ask finally speaking up. Her reply was quick as if she had been expecting me to ask which she probably was. "Your a rotten teen that goes to partys and sneaks out. Now I need you to set up the guest room they get here in a few hours." She finishes calmly before taking a bite of the cheap cheese. I push my chair back as it scrapes against the floor and head upstairs as I set up the room pulling out pillows and blankets. During all of this my aunt leaves telling me there gonna be here in a few minutes. Once im done i head back down and stretch out in the couch. Right at 9 the doorbell rings and the door pounds. I stand and rip open the door. "Im not interested in your dumb girl scout cookies!" I shout before hearing a low voice answer "last time I checked I was a guy." My eyes widen as I trail up to the face above me. Oh hell no. "Hello princess."
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