Alex's pov.

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"Alex catch!" Brayden shouts throwing the football in a perfect spiral. I laugh and take off runnig for it.
"Hey watch it!" A brunette girl yelps as I crash into her, falling on the ground. "Oh crap sorry babe." I say extending my hand and helping her up before shrugging at my half hearted apology. I look her up and down quickly checking out her small figure. "How about I make up for it. My place tonight?" She looks at me her green eyes piercing into my own blue ones.  "I'll pass" she scowls pushing past me. She let's out a surprised gasp as I grab her upper arm whipping her around. "Come on babe it will be fun." I say with a sly smirk, while wrapping my arms around her slender shoulders. "You know dinner a movie, Making out, what do you think?" I whisper softly in her ear as I twirl a strand of her soft hair around my fingers. I feel her shoulders relax as she looks up at me almost comptemplating if she should. Her eyes wide as she gives me an innocent look. She actually looks cute. "You want me?" She asks coyly. I nod satisfied with the question. Her eyes narrow as I feel a sharp pain in my foot. I yelp and jump away as I hold my injured foot and hop on the other. "Me? Eat dinner with a pig like you? I'd rather starve." She hisses her once innocent look turned into one of pure hatred. I take it back she's a spawn of satan. She flips me the bird and turns walking off. For some reason I find myself yelling "please do!" "In your dreams pig!" She shouts her voice raising an octave alost like she's blushing. I laugh as I watch her storm off to the parking lot.
"Mom I'm home!" I yell shutting the heavy front door. Her thin frame shuffles out of the kitchen, the pink apron hanging loosely off her body and flour on her cheek. When I was young my mom found out she had stage 3 breast cancer. Luckily the radiation treatment worked and in one year she was pronounced cancer free, although the side effects still stuck including the loss of hair. Now she always wears a bandana I bought when she was in the hospital and baggy sweats along with my father's sweater.
My dad on the other hand works away from home for two months before coming home for one month. Unfair I know, but he gets to come home tomorrow for my parents aniversary, and we're all going to dinner before he leaves again.
"Hello sweetie how was your day?" I drop my stuff on the couch, walk over and hug her, my body towering over her small one. She's so small I'm double her size. She weighs only a hundred pounds, another side effect. I kiss her cheek and head over to the kitchen, raiding the fridge, mom following behind.
"It was fine." I say pulling out a string cheese.
"That's good dear. Do you remember my friend Clarissa?" She asks sounding distant.
"The one that came over last night?" I asked before  taking a bite she thinks for a moment then nods.
"Yes, she wants you to watch her nice Aurora." I look at her swallowing the rest of the cheese.
"For how long?" I ask excited at the thought of making some money.
"A few months." She says as she walks back over to the dough she's rolling out.
"Wait. A few months? What about school and football practice? And after school activities." She sighs listening to my rant.
"Her nice goes to school and take her with you to football practice. And can't you put your social life on hold for a few months?" She asks sounding tired. "She's willing to pay you five-hundred dollars. Then you can finally buy a car." I debate it for a moment, get a car I will love just by watching a little girl or keep going to party's and bumming rides off of friends. It seems the pros of watching the girl win and I finally nod. "Alright I'll go." I say grabbing my stuff as I dash up the stairs.
I glance at the paper then the house. It's nice, big I say two stories and four bedrooms. "This is it." I say walking up the steps. I knocked on the door. Nothing, I ring the doorbell. Again, nothing I roll my eyes, ring the doorbell, then knock again. Well that may be an under exaggeration, I pound on the door as I repeatedly jab the doorbell.
"I'm not interested in your dumb girl scout cookies!" A girl yells flinging open the door. "Last time I checked I was a guy." I snicker. Her eyes widen as her gaze travels up and locks onto mine. "Hello princess." I say darkly remembering what she did to my foot earlier. Her eyes narrow as she slams the door in my face. But before she can lock it I twist the handle and push myself inside. "Get out you know I can call the police and report you as a stalker and a robber." "Relax the only things I rob are girls innocents." She turns red and punches me in the stomach, before grabbing her phone, as I double over. For such a small girl she's strong. I regain my posture and grab her phone holding it out of her reach. "Calm down princess I'm suppose to be here. Do you know where Aurora is? I'm suppose to watch her while her aunts gone." Her body goes rigid as she stammers "um.. Aurora is being taken care of me already. Sorry you lose bye bye." She grabs her phone and pushes me back into the doorway. I grab the frame then her wrist and push her back. "Let me go!" She yelps trying to yank her arm away. "Not until I see Aurora, princess.." I growl pulling her closer as I grab her other wrist holding her in place. She struggles for a moment and goes to kick me but I hold my ground, and she finally gives up. "Fine I'm Aurora happy?" I nod, "good now, let. Me. Go." She shouts pushing me me off, as I smack into the door. I glare at her small figure disappearing up the wooden stairs.
I lock the door already exasperated from this job. I decide to walk around the house as I reach the kitchen I'm almost blinded. It's huge and brightly colored. Lots of blue, pink, and yellow. On the counter is a brown binder, looking terribly out of place. I walk over and pick it up. On the top, in neat handwriting, is 'rules' I open the binder and start reading.
'Rule 1: Do not leave Aurora alone.
Rule 2: 15 Minute showers. (Knock on the door loudly every 5 minutes. If no reply please check and make sure she is still here.)
Rule 3: Check every night to make sure her window is locked.
Rule 4: Bedtime is 9pm every night. (Check every 15 minutes. Until 10:30 to make sure she is still here.)
Rule 5: She's allowed to spend the night at Charlies on Saturday nights only.'
I grin great Saturdays are when I have my games.
Aurora has no allergys, although she is sensitive when it comes to her parents. She cooks but she might try to skip meals, don't let her. Thank you. Clarissa'
I chuckle, easy. Setting the binder down I glance at the clock before heading upstairs.
"He princess." I say opening the door with the sign that says 'Aurora' on it. She sits on her bed eyes closed as she sings the words to some song. While she jams out, I lean against the door frame arms crossed, watching her. She's not that bad of a singer. After a few minutes of head banging I walk over and pull out her earbuds.
SheShe gie me a disgusted look as her face turns red. "What do you want?" She snaps.
"Calm down princess." I chuckle "don't you know who I am?"
"How could I forget? Of course I do."
"Then watch your tone!" I reply sharply. I notice her flinch and take a deep breath. "Anyways. It's 9, time for bed." She rolls her eyes and pushes me off the bed as I land on the ground. "Are you just gonna sit there like a moron or leave?" She asks after climbing under the covers. I roll my eyes and stand. "Goodnight princess." I say in a sickly sweet voice as I turn off the light and hear her yell, "stop calling me that!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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