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Seonghwa groggily sat up in his bed and sleepily scanned his surroundings, quickly remembering he was in his old bedroom, a clear indication he was still at his parent's house. He lazily searched for his phone and winced when the bright light hit his face, nearly blinding him and checked the time.

He noticed he had woken up a bit earlier than usual and would have loved to sleep in for a few more hours but he had a few errands to run today and even if he went back to sleep, he was pretty sure he couldn't. So he sleepily got up and made his way to the kitchen, a cup of hot tea would wake him up. 

But he halted when he noticed he wasn't the only one awake. "Oh, hyung! You're up early?" Seonghwa was surprised to see his brother up at such an ungodly hour, the ungodly hour in question was 7 am. "What are you doing up at this time?" He thought his brother would be in bed until later into the day considering he had just travelled and might still be tired.

"I should be the one asking you that?" His brother laughed as he continued to make his cup of coffee and also a cup of tea for Hwa now that he was awake.

"Am usually up by this time but not this early," Hwa said as he sat down at the island, nursing a cup of tea his brother handed him. He knew coffee would better wake him up but it was too bitter for him and he would always just end up taking way too sweet of a 'coffee' which wasn't healthy, not to mention the added creamer to completely disguise the coffee taste. "So how were your travels, I mean, you did leave so abruptly that we didn't get to properly say goodbye back then. Did you at least have fun?" 

Hwayoung took a seat next to him, smiling as his brother asked about his travels. "It was nice and relaxing. I think I needed it." He smiled. "And don't worry I took a lot of pictures. Wanna see?" He asked pulling out his phone and opening his gallery.

"Of course." He said leaning into him. "You owe me since you were practically unreachable for all those years."


Seonghwa held his stomach as he laughed at the story his brother told after a peculiar set of unexplainable photos he had just shown. "Why would you do that?" He asked still laughing. 

"It's not every day you see a travelling rock band willing to let you hitchhike with them." He laughed along. "You know, I missed this." He said after they had calmed down. "As much as I loved travelling, I was lonely at times and missed you guys."

Hwa looked fondly at his hyung. "We missed you too, especially me. Who else was going to listen to my bitching?" He said with a smirk.

"Fuck you. Is that what I'm worth to you?" He lightly scoffed.

Hwa smiled and simply shrugged. "I could talk to my friends and Woo but they aren't the same as you."

"Shit! You're going to make me cry." He mockingly wiped invisible tears from his eyes as Hwa rolled his eyes, lightly shoving him, earning himself a hair ruffle in his already disrayed bed hair. "So, how have you and the twins been?" 

He relaxed into the chair, "We're all good and the twins are about to start school soon. I'm just a little worried but also excited for them and am sure they'll be alright," Hwa said sipping his tea. 

Hwayoung nodded as he talked about the twins, a fond smile on his lips. "Can't believe they're already so big! I remember holding them when they were just born like it was yesterday."

"Mum said the same thing last night," He chuckled. "You're getting old, Hyung." He teased him knowing damn well how his brother hated being told that.

"You too, Hwa." He pinched his cheek. "Talking about growing old, Have you thought about dating again? I mean it's been a few years and might be ready to try again." 

Stuck With You~SᴇᴏɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴɢWhere stories live. Discover now