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"Mina! Minaa!" The urgent scream pierced through Mina's afternoon, prompting her to hurriedly step outside. As she emerged, her eyes widened at the sight of Tzuyu burdened by a limp body much smaller than herself through the confines of her gate.

A gasp escaped Mina's lips as concern etched lines on her brow. "Tzuyu! What happened?" Mina wasted no time in rushing forward, offering her assistance in bearing the weight of unconscious Chaeyoung draped over Tzuyu's shoulder.

The commotion drew the attention of their other friends. Sana, who had been anxiously waiting with Jeongyeon, joined the group, her curiosity instantly replaced by a deep-seated fear upon seeing Chaeyoung's limp form.

Her heart racing with worry, Sana dashed towards Tzuyu and Mina, her voice trembling as she cried out, "Chaeyoung!"

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she fervently assisted Tzuyu and Mina as they carefully carried Chaeyoung inside. Once they reached the sanctuary of their bedroom, Tzuyu gently laid Chaeyoung down on the bed, while Sana, still overcome with emotion, attempted to rouse her by lightly shaking her body and tapping her cheeks.

"It's okay, Sana. Chaeyoung just fainted. She'll wake up soon," Tzuyu reassured, casting a glance at Mina, who stood behind her with evident concern etched on her features. Mina's empathy was palpable, having experienced the same depth of worry for someone dear.

After hearing that, relief washed over latter's face as she let out a sigh, but her eyes held a myriad of unspoken questions. What had caused Chaeyoung to faint during their trip to Shizuoka? The possibilities raced through her mind, urging her to seek answers.

Understanding the unspoken queries in Mina's gaze, Tzuyu nodded subtly before turning her attention back to Sana, who was now attempting to remove Chaeyoung's kimono in her earnestness to care for her.

"Sana, please take care of Chaeyoung. I'll just have a word with Chief Myoui," Tzuyu instructed gently, acknowledging Sana's efforts.

The young lady nodded, continuing her ministrations to Chaeyoung as Tzuyu and Mina quietly exited the room, leaving them in a moment of tender solitude.

Mina and Tzuyu sat together on the balcony of Mina's room, their posture reflecting a mixture of contemplation and worry as they gazed at the transitioning sky from orange to black.

"So, Momo's in danger. No wonder," Mina murmured, her gaze dropping.

"I'm actually curious about Momo's role in Chaeyoung's life. What exactly is their relationship?" Tzuyu's brow furrowed as she voiced her curiosity. Ever since meeting Chaeyoung, Tzuyu had been intrigued by the enigmatic aspects of her past. How had she become so skilled with blades? How had she come to know Momo?

Mina met Tzuyu's gaze squarely before explaining, "Momo adopted Chaeyoung during the time when Koreans sailed to Tsushima. She raised her, taught her swordsmanship, and eventually sent her to our town. That's how our paths crossed."

Tzuyu nodded in quiet understanding, her thoughts aligning with the unfolding revelations. "It's all starting to make sense now," she murmured softly. The pieces of Chaeyoung's deep connection to Momo and her intense reaction earlier began to fall into place – Momo was like a mother figure to Chaeyoung, explaining her strong emotional response at seeing Momo in danger.

As moments passed, Tzuyu's reflections deepened, realizing the common thread of profound loss and shared experiences of hardship that both she and Chaeyoung had endured from a young age.

Turning the conversation, Mina gently grasped the hem of Tzuyu's sleeve, her eyes reflecting concern. "So, what happened earlier?"

Tzuyu took a deep breath before recounting the encounter with Khan. "As soon as we arrived, we saw Khan. He's..." Her voice trailed off momentarily, grappling with the gravity of the situation. "He's searching for Sana."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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