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Ch. 11: Initiative

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I'm on my third cup of coffee and it's only 10 am

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I'm on my third cup of coffee and it's only 10 am. Rory was up most of the night with a belly ache so I'm running on only a few hours of sleep, and I know he's going to be an absolute nightmare again tonight. He always is when he's tired.

I cover my mouth as I yawn behind my screen. Not that anyone is around to see me. The office is surprisingly quiet. All the Cartwright men are in a meeting somewhere on one of the lower floors.

And thank God for that and for good coffee. I pick up the blue cup again and take another drink.

I finally met the father, Pierce Cartwright, this morning. He wasn't what I'd expected him to be. Fiona was right in that he's a silver fox, and I can see a resemblance to his sons. But while he was friendly and professional, I sensed a ruthlessness to him I haven't seen in any of his sons. And that suprised me. The sons have various levels of arrogance and while they can be demanding I've never once seen any indication of viciousness in either of them.

From what I hear, Pierce's birthday party was a success. Lydia and Alana can't stop talking about it and they weren't even there. They analyze every photo, and every piece of gossip that's posted online. I think they might actually be more into scandals and rumors than Fiona is and that's saying something.

Fiona showed me some pictures from a gossip site on Sunday afternoon after she took me food shopping. The Cartwright brothers were all dressed in tuxedos that showcased their fit bodies and each one of them had a gorgeous woman next to him, except for Preston, who had two. I had laughed because of course he did. It didn't surprise me at all, he had a playboy reputation to live up to, but it did bother me for some reason.

Fiona keeps telling me she's jealous of my "work environment," and refers to the Cartwright men as "eye candy." I can't say she's wrong, but sometimes it is distracting.

The phone rings. Before I have a chance to reach for it, Alana snaps it up and answers with an overly chirpy tone. However, that changes immediately once she hears who's on the other end.

"He's not available right now," she says sternly, and I get the feeling it's a woman and that she has called before. We spend half the day answering these kinds of calls.

I shake my head and try to focus on my work, but I'm drawn to Lydia's giggle.

Lydia smiles widely as she watches Alana roll her eyes at whoever is on the phone. As amusing as it somethimes is, a big part of our job deals with filtering out potential hook up calls. And that does not make sense to me. There has to be a better way of dealing with all those non-business-related calls. I mean, how can all these women have access to the c suite numbers? Is that really necessary?

There is just no way that everyone that calls knows the Cartwright brothers personally or as a business aquintance. Our standard answer is usually that they are busy. Sometimes that's enough, but most of the time it's not.

Taming the Playboy BossWhere stories live. Discover now