[chapter 1]

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A/N: Look closely at the tags...


Awesomekit opened her eyes. Silverflower the ingot smiled at her. 

"Hello, my amazing, awesome kit!" Silverflower purred. "Your eyes have opened, even though you're 1 hour old. Let's pretend that's normal-" 

Awesomekit jumped. "Yay! Do I have siblings?"

Silverflower rolled her eyes. "You do. This is Irrelevantkit #1." She yeeted away a cyan kit off the screen. "This is Irrelevantkit #2." She yeeted away a green kit. "You're the best one."

Awesomekit grinned. "Yay!" She then bounced over to the prey pile, while all the cats in her clan stared. Most were looking at her adoringly, while their mates glanced at her with narrowed eyes.

Awesomekit grabbed a deer and ate it in one bite. Then she went out of camp. Of course, Starstar didn't object because Awsomekit was special.

Awesomekit went huntin and she caught 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 mice, 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 voles, 09725870276573457873454 fish and '123456789098765432112345678909876543212345678909 birds in 2 seconds!!!!!!!!!!! Then she went to the camp, somehow managing to carry all that prey!!!! All the cats were wowed.

Then Starstar padded out of her den and announced, "Awesomekit you are now Awesomepaw! Your mentor will be me." All the cats were even more wowed, because Awesomepaw was just 1 hour old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesomepaw was like "yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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