21. Confused

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Sorry for the very late update. My laptop is broken and I'm just using my tablet instead. :(


"Suzy. How are you?" He asked happily.

"I'm fine. How about you? How's your life being a fashion model?" I chuckled.

"It was great but I'm always exhausted." He sighed.

"Oh, that's bad."

"But that's okay, just hearing your voice makes me energized." He chuckled and I blushed.

"Kris. Come back here." My eyes widened when I heard that it's a girl's voice and the way she said it sounds flirty. Who is that girl?!

"Yeah.. I'll come right away. Just wait." I heard Kris said.

"Okay. I'll wait for you." The girl said and she giggled flirty. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Sorry Suzy but I have to go." Kris said.

"Who is that girl?!" I asked, controlling my anger but I just heard him chuckle.

"Oh. That's Alyssa. She's my partner in modeling clothes." He answered.

"Oh." I said. So, that girl's name is Alyssa.

"Don't be jealous, Suzy. I only have my eyes on you." He chuckled and I narrowed my eyes of what Kris just said.

"Who said that I'm jealous?! I'm not jealous. I'm just asking." I laughed but Kris is still laughing.

"I know you are and you don't need to because even though, she's pretty, I don't have any feelings for her. So, don't worry." He said seriously. I clutched my phone on my hand because Kris just admitted that Alyssa girl is pretty. I can't believe it.

"I'm not worrying." I coldly answered.

Kris chuckled. "Okay. That's good. Uh.. I have to go now. Break time is over. I'll call you later."

"Okay." Then, Kris hang up the call. I sighed because Kris thinks that Alyssa girl is pretty. I mean, yeah she's pretty but why did he just told me that she's pretty.

It's ten in the evening and still, Kris didn't call me like he told me a while ago. I can't help but feel irritated and disappointed of what Kris just told me. Why didn't he call me or just send one text message telling me that he can't call or anything. Why? Is he still busy? Is he with her? Why can't he call me?

I woke up in the morning and felt that my head is heavy because I couldn't sleep well last night. I kept on waiting Kris' call or message but he didn't and I'm so pissed off. I took my phone and still, there's no message from Kris. I furrowed my eyebrows and I sighed. Ugh. Whatever. Just think that he was tired yesterday.

After our class dismissal and went home straight, my phone buzzed and Kris is calling me. I exhaled and decided to answer his call anyway.


"Hi, Suzy. How's your day?" He asked in a happy tone. He's happy?

"It was fine." I answered. I didn't smile or anything because there's something bothering me and it's the model girl beside Kris. Why didn't he call me yesterday like he told me that he will?

LWEB Book 2: Growing upWhere stories live. Discover now