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As me and ethan headed over towards tara
"hey guys" Tara says "hey, what happened?" I ask "Gale asked for all of us. She said she found something" she responds "found what?" Ethan asked "I don't know." Tara replied "good you're all here"Gale said "I found something that can help us find the killer." she said "lets go then." Tara said

We all got into separate cars and followed Gale.
"gale where are we going?" I ask "just wait and see." She replied I sighed as we walk down the alley we see a huge picture of ghostface "what the hell?" I say "what she said" Ethan says "wait for it.." Gale says as she presses something and to our suprise it opens up "what the hell is this place?" Tara asked "I'ts a shrine" Gale replied  "we enter it through this weird like elevator "what exactly are we doing here?" Ethan asked "my theory is that this is where the killer wants to you know kill us. But we could probably set some traps and use it against him." Gale replied

This place had everything from every ghostface killing. It was kinda scary everyone just looked around and Ethan was trying to defend himself about "being the killer" I honestly don't think it was him "Everyone circle up!" Tara yelled.

We all headed over towards Tara "yeah, whats up?" I ask "I figured out how to trap ghostface" she says "and what do we do after?" Ethan asks "we execute him." Tara replied while me, Ethan and Chad look at each other with a worried look "I have an idea" Kirby said "what if we use you and Sam as bait while the rest of us wait in an undercover car and try to trace the phone." Kirby suggested "I have to get back to my apartment." Gale says "okay then just you 4 will
come with me." Kirby says "You be safe okay kiddo?" Gale says "I will Gale, don't worry" I say as I give her a hug.

I always saw Gale as a mother figure since my parents were never really there she even paid for my tuition which I was super thankful for.

we all entered the van and just waited for Sam, Tara and Detective Bailey to get into place. "So we're really doing this phone tracing thing? That never works in the movies." Mindy says "it'll be all "keep him talking Sam, 2 more minutes I've almost got him" and then
he hangs up just before we can get a lock" Mindy rants "I can trace a call in under 15 seconds." Kirby replies "can I have some cheetos?" I ask Ethan "sure!" he says I reached my hand in the bag and grab like 5 "these are the regular kind.." I say "yeah?" he replied "you monster.." I say jokingly and continue to listen to Mindy and Kirbys conversation.

"...the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby." Kirby says "and you think they're safe because it's broad daylight and a public place?" Mindy says "look I am here okay? And so is Bailey." Kirby says as she's getting irritated "this is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. Broad daylight, Public place yanked into a van! Stab! Stab! Stab! No more Randy!" Mindy said "mhmm" Kirby sighed.

Me, Chad and Ethan all just stared at each other awkwardly in silence. "Sam, I got it." Kirby says "where is he?" Sam says from the phone "hes on the upper west side.." Kirby replies "west 96?" Me and Tara say "how did you know that?" Kirby asked "it's Gales Apartment.." Sam says from the phone
"I'm going" I say "Gia! You can't" Kirby says "I don't care! I'm going shes like a mother to me!" I yell while marching out of the van I run towards the police car and slam on the window "let me in." I say "Don't get in that car Gia." Bailey said "I am getting in this fucking car!" I yell at him and open the car door. "DRIVE!" I yell Sam turns on the sirens and hits the break.

We arrive at Gales apartment and take the elevator upstairs once the elevator door opens we see Gale lying on the floor. I run towards her "NO! PLEASE!" I sob as my I fall onto knees "CALL 911!" I yell "please don't die.." I cried out trying to apply pressure onto her wounds "you're last thing I have to a mother! GALE PLEASE!" I sobbed "they're on their way!" Sam says hanging up the phone "Its okay.." Gale says softly "no, no its not! you're dying!" I yell at her.

As her eyes began to close "NO PLEASE GALE WALE UP!" I cried. The EMT's finally get here "please take her away" A lady EMT says "Gia.." Tara says trying to pull me away "LET ME GO!" I shout and I shout until Tara finally gets a hold of me "no pulse.." the lady said I cry out as I grip onto Tara "I'm so sorry.." Tara says "can we just go?" I say in a soft voice.

Tara and Sam drop me off at the place we're staying and I call Ethan "pick up, pick upppp" I say to myself
"hey!" Ethan says from the phone "can you come over?" I asked "um sure, I'll be there in a little bit" he says "alright!" I say "bye" he says "bye" I replied as I hang up the phone.

I hear a knock on the door "hey its me!" Ethan says "coming!" I say I walk towards the door and open it "hey" I say "hey, so why did you call?" He asked "this." I say as I kiss him on the lips "what was that for?" he asks "do you wanna be called cherry boy forever?" I reply "I wanna say no?" He says "good" I say grabbing his arm and closing the door and bringing him towards my room.

A/N I ain't gonna write this part I'll l let your imagination take its course since I cannot write smut scenes at all. also sorry for the long wait schools been very rough..

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