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Y/n's pov

It's been a while since I came to visit. Oh, this is gonna be so fun to see my brother and nephew!

Oh! Where are my manners? My name is Y/n Storm! You might be thinking, 'Why does she look like that? What happened to her?' Well, you see when I was little, I wasn't physically well, almost on Death's doorstep. But, then, the doctors offered to put this Bismuth in me, which will make me well again, and it did! Over time though, my physical appearance started changing. My hair turned rainbow, my skin turned Polo Blue, my eyes started to become black instead of e/c, and started gaining abilities that no human can do! My unique abilities are shapeshifting weapons, thermal resistance, superhuman strength, etc. I work in construction, and a blacksmith in my free time. But, anyways, back to the story.

I walked up the giant wooden staircase, up the porch, and stopped at the door. I set my suitcase down and took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I raised my fist and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I heard someone said. "Did you?" I said with a cheeky smile. "'Did you'? Wait a minute! Did you who?" He asked. "Did you Bismuth me, dear brother?" I asked.

I heard someone running towards the door, before it opened wide. My brother's eyes were wide before he let out a laugh, arms opened wide and pulled me into a bear hug, joining in on the hug-and laughter-fest. "Oh, it's so great to see you again, Y/n." He said, pulling away from the hug. "Yeah, how long has it been? 2 years?" I questioned as he welcomed me inside, closing the door behind him.

"And look at you, you look different!" He added. "Yeah, the transformation finished about 7 months ago. I even found out that I can poof 10 weeks ago after the transformation." I explained. "'Poof'?" He questioned, very confused. "Okay, so, when I was at work, doing my daily thing, that's when one of the blades to cut the lumber broke off and headed towards my direction, and it struck my hip. That' when it happened. I was unconscious for a while, but when I woke up, my coworkers explained what happened. My body turned into a pile of smoke, but when it cleared up, only the broken saw and my gem is what remained. A couple days later, my gem started glowing, floated up in the air, and my body appeared as glowing light, before it disappeared, and I was back! I even got new clothes as well out of it. See." I said gesturing to my clothes.

(This is what you look like)

(This is what you look like)

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"But, anyways... where's my nephew?" I asked. "He's here, in his room." He said. He turned around. "Zak! Guess who's here!" He yelled. After a few seconds, he came in. "Who?" He asked, then noticed me. "Come give your aunt a hug." I said opening my arms wide. He laughed as he ran over and we hugged each other. "Man, you've gotten taller. I may have to shrink you down a bit." I joked, giving him a noogie. "Ha, ha, ha. Very funny." He sarcastically said, pushing my arms away.

"Hey, Aunt Y/n, do you want to go surfing?" He asked. "Later, I have to put my stuff up in the guest bedroom. Then, we'll go surfing. Sound good?" I questioned. "He nodded. "Well, see you in a bit!" I said picking up my suitcase and walking to the guest bedroom.

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