The Seas Seven

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Mimicking a voice


I was in my room/the forge, letting myself zone out as I let my consciousness design a random weapon for me to make. Everything was going swimmingly, until I heard a crash. I ran out into the hallway, up the stairs until I was outside.

"Your holo-generator is awesome, Caramba! They fell for it!" Zak exclaimed in amazement. "Who in the what now?" I asked, walking towards the group. "I'll explain later, Auntie Y/n." Zak said. "I know a disguise won't turn me into a real hero, but-" Caramba started before Cece spoke up. "It was convincing until you tried to ride the Plank. No illusion can help-" Cece stated, before she stopped mid-sentence, covering her ears. She then fell backwards; luckily, Zak caught her.

"Cece, are you okay?" Zak asked. She didn't say anything until she regained her groundings. "The Atlantean Heptahedron; a terrible weapon capable of shattering boundaries between dimensions! It's been lost for centuries. Bones... Bones just found it!" Cece informed in distress. 


The Chaos located the Demoniac, but it already entered the vortex. "We're too late! They've crossed into Vapir. Bones is bound to give the Heptahedron to his master." Caramba exclaimed. "This here be bad news, chums. Skullivarrr will use it to brin' fire to the Ice Sea o' Sino! Dry up the Sea o' Beru! 'E'll fore'er disrupt the balance o' the Seven Seas!" Calabrass stated. "The Heptahedron is protected by Atlantean runes. It will take forever to break those." Cece informed.

"Sounds like we have time to get that Hepta-Whatever-Drum away from him! Let's set sail!" Zak ordered. "You want to attack Netherwhere?" Clovis asked from all the way up on the main sail. "That's so Viking! Yes!" Crogar stated, pointing his weapon at the vortex. "Zak, no one has entered Skullivar's sanctuary and lived. It is the most protected place in the Triangle." Cece informed. "Well, there's a first time for everything. ...I hope." Zak said as the Chaos headed towards the vortex, passing through.

When we entered, everything had a green hue; the shipwrecks, the water, the sky, the clouds, everything except for us and the Chaos. "The Vapir islands are 'ghost echoes' that disrupt signals." Caramba informed. "Wow! This place is so weirdo-cool." Zak stated, amazed. "Good news, we're invisible to radar. Bad news, not so much to skeleton patrols." Caramba explained. "Netherwhere is filled with Skullivar's most elite troops. Even if we manage to get inside, we cannot possible defeat all of them." Cece stated.

"Hum! That's why we have Caramba!" Zak said, gesturing to the tiny alien in his robot suit and walked towards him. "Me?! Against elite troops?! Perhaps you didn't notice, but I'm not a warrior." Caramba stated, sounding afraid.

"Caramba, do think that being strong is what makes people warriors? If you believe so, then you are both right and wrong. Being a warrior is what we are best at on the field of battle, whether it is physical strength or not. Crogar is a warrior because of his strength, Clovis is a warrior because of his mischievous personality, Zak is a warrior because he has Calabrass by his side, Cece is a warrior because of her cunning battle plans. Heck, even the Chaos is a warrior for being our tank; that both defends, offense, and helps us with transportation. If you're wondering what specifically makes you a warrior, here's your answer, your smarts. Because of that brain of yours, you've helped us with so many things, so much that I could go on for a very long time, and time is something we don't have at the moment." I said, kneeling down to his height. "When you are in doubt, always say this to yourself to remind you of what makes you a warrior, 'What makes me a warrior is my brain and my knowledge in anything technological'. Do that, and that doubt will disappear. If not, then keep repeating it until it dissolves away into nothing." I stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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