Chapter 8

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Silence fell over the grand parlor as the door opened and the Council entered. The eight Councilors had already claimed their seats at the big round table that dominated the center of the room. While Henry walked up to the last empty chair to join them, they rose and respectfully bowed their heads.
"Bona noctem", he greeted them formally.
Even though the times of war and unrest between the supernatural species were a matter of the past, meeting in the shadows of the night when their kind was at its strongest had long become a tradition.
"Deam vivat", they chanted, replying with a praise to the Moon Goddess.
"My dear Councilors, thank you all for attending this meeting on such short notice."
This acknowledgment was a mere formality, of course. Not attending a meeting of the Council wasn’t an option for a Councilor – unless he wanted to be seen as incompetent and weak.
"I know you are all wondering why I convoked this extraordinary meeting, so I shall not keep you in suspense: For over a century the honored Council has urged me to find a mate, so it is with utmost joy that I now officially proclaim my mating to the human Maya Walker."
Had this been a gathering of wolves or humans, this declaration would have undoubtedly gotten him shocked gasps and indignant outbursts. Amongst vampires, however, openly showing your emotions was frowned upon. It wasn’t only a pathetic lack of self-discipline, it could also play into the hands of your enemies and be the last foolish thing you ever did – and a vampire who made it into the Council wasn’t a fool. The only Councilor that showed some kind of reaction was Elisabeth. She clapped joyfully; her lips curled into a wide smile.
That the female vampire showed such blunt delight didn’t come as a surprise to him. It was one of the few open secrets in the vampire world that she was the Councilor Henry was closest with – and now that he had chosen a mate unrelated to their kind, that relationship wasn’t in jeopardy anymore.
"Thank you, Elisabeth."
Luo Guanzhong raised his hand from the table, the simple gesture enough to turn everyone’s attention towards him. Currently, he was the oldest member of the Council, had managed to hold his seat for over five hundred years. Having been turned in his early fifties, his appearance only added to the raw power he exuded.
"When will the mating ceremony be held?", Luo asked in his disturbingly calm voice.
Since Henry was the Council it was a given that all Councilors would attend his mating ceremony.
"In three months. The formal invitations are being sent as we speak."
"The festivities will take place in your residence in the States, I assume."
Henry gave a curt nod. Arundel Castle was his home, but the residence in which he currently held the most social gatherings was his New York Penthouse. Many of the world’s largest corporations located their home offices in and around the city, it was a place that vibrated with economic, social, and political power. Thus, it was a place befitting the Council.
"I am looking forward to meeting the human the Council deemed a worthy consort", Victoria joined the conversation.
A position the former queen of England had aimed at herself. Her curiousness seemed genuine, but so had her love for her husband Albert who – contrary to human historiography – didn’t die a natural death. The prince had simply outlived his usefulness for his wife.
"Anjali will be overjoyed to hear of this news", Rehan said, referring to his blood mate.
Currently, he was the only Councilor that had taken a blood mate as consort as well. All the other mated Councilors had chosen one of their kind to be their spouse. "I hope the honored Council is willing to grant her the privilege of a conversation with his consort."
"I am sure Maya would love that," Henry answered, playing along with the friendly charade for now. He knew as well as Rehan that his request wasn’t about what Anjali or Maya wanted. Getting the women to socialize symbolized his goodwill towards Rehan and the covens he ruled over as Councilor. Unfortunately, such occasional displays of benevolence on his part were a necessary evil to ensure at least a certain amount of peace within the fragile political structure of their kind. Vampires were an ambitious and power-hungry species, willing to stop at nothing as long as it helped them to climb up the social ladder. Thus, the rulership of a coven head or a Councilor was often short-lived and rarely surpassed a century. Like Luo and Elisabeth, Rehan was one of the few that were cunning, brutal, and merciless enough to have surpassed that mark. In other words, he was someone Henry rather wouldn’t have as a foe.
The exchange of pleasantries continued until every Councilor had his say about the Councils mating. Henry patiently listened, silently wondering who would attempt to kidnap Maya first.

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