17. Angelika Parthena Helios Kazimir

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(This what she look like as a child)

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(This what she look like as a child)

(This what she look like as teen/adult)

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(This what she look like as teen/adult)

(This what she look like as teen/adult)

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(This what her vampire eyes look like)

Name: Angelika Parthena Helios Kazimir

13 sorcerer's stone)
14 (prisoner of Azkaban)
16 (goblet of Fire)
17 (order of the Phoenix)
18 (half blood prince)
19 (deathly hallows 1&2)

Specie: Vampireborn (like a muggleborn but she's born to vampire parents way)

Her Zodiac: Scorpio ♏️

Her house

Lives Bucharest, România as she do come to England with her cousin Shannon Helios Potter for go to Hogwarts

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Bucharest, România as she do come to England with her cousin Shannon Helios Potter for go to Hogwarts

Her Wand

Her Wand core: Thunderbird tail feather

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Her Wand core: Thunderbird tail feather

Her Patronus: Thunderbird

Vampire Power: Power transferal

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

She's Shannon Helios Potter (my oc) young that is born a vampire witch or called vampireborn to two parents that are vampires way as her mother is a American vampire from Texas while her father a Romanian vampire the leader of Romanian vampire clan  as she's being first vampire born with magic with her vampire power when she hear she got accept to go Hogwarts she is happy to hear she's going with her cousins from Texas United State

Blood Red Ruby

Holy water as it will have their skin having rash

Wooden or Silver Stakes

Strong will

Things she likes;
Her families

Being treated outcast by other slytherins
Feeling unwanted
Losing her family


Malika nee Helios Kazimir (mother)

Vladan Kazimir (father)

Alexander Potter (uncle by marriage)

Madison nee Helios Potter (ain't)

Lila Potter (little cousin)

Shannon Potter (older cousin)

Ethan Potter (older twin brother)

Love Interest:
Olivier Wood, Cassius Warrington, Cormac McLaggen or your oc

Her Song

Iubirea mea

Iubito, de-aș găsi un leac
Să opresc inima-n loc
Și să nu mai plâng deloc.

Să scap, iubito,
Inima tare-mi bate
De-ar ieși din pieptul meu
Cred că te-ar urma mereu, departe

O lacrimă n-aș mai vărsa
Nu vreau să-mi vezi durerea mea
Șterg lacrima de pe-obraz
Ea vrea să curgă, n-o las
Sufletul meu

Mă gândesc la tine
Tot ce-a fost ca un parfum
Tu ai prefăcut în scrum, iubire

Eu plâng mereu la geam
Eu te port mereu în gând
Mai dă-mi tu lacrimi să plâng,
Eu nu mai am

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