Chapter 1

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Raj POV:

I walk into the large school, excited about the start of the new year! Both I and Wayne are excited about the new Hockey season! Wayne and I had to wait all summer and now we are ready for Hockey to begin, we trained and trained a lot over the summer break and are hyped. Both Wayne and I walk through the school doors, feeling confident in our skills and confident we will get on the hockey team another year in a row. Did I mention it's our Senior year? I don't believe I did, but it's our Senior year, and after we graduate, Wayne and I hope to become professional hockey players and play until we DIE. Last year, I had a hard time with my grades, and I was off the team because of that, but I have hope in myself that I will keep my grades at least a B- or C+! My mom set me up with tutoring over the summer, so I think I'm okay for this year,  hopefully.

I walk to my locker and start to place my random school stuff inside I was probably not going to touch them for a good four weeks. Wayne and Me both had lockers next to each other because we pleaded with the principal to have our lockers next to each other. Wayne has been my friend for years, ever since in elementary school, there was a hockey camp and I went to it, and met Wayne there, we have been buddies ever since. We both fell in love with Hockey, it was our jam to our peanut butter (or whatever).  Anyway, the only reason we come to school still is because of Hockey, it's our pride and joy man. The problem this year, Wayne's mom chose his classes, so we don't have any classes together. I was sorta scared honestly, the guy is my BFF and we won't be able to see each other all day! ( just ignore the fact we have lunch together, and hockey after school, well if we get into the hockey team, then we have hockey together) I hugged my friend, and we both cried, but we had to stop because people were looking at us strangely.

I started to walk to my first period, Math. I honestly find Math first thing in the morning so dumb man, who wants to do math first thing in the morning, it is so dumb! I walk into the classroom and sit down at the table near the corner of the room. I was fidgeting with my fingers, because I've never actually talked to anyone else in school but Wayne, so I don't have any other friends other than him. I've talked to my teammates, but they don't have this class, so I'm most likely lonely at this period.  

The class started, and everyone started to pay attention to the teacher, then a knock on the classroom door was heard. The teacher opened the door, and in came a boy with a purple shirt, and blonde, curly hair. I knew sorta who he was, his name is Bowie, he is a popular kid at the school. The teacher started ranting, saying stuff like, "I'll give you a pass since it's the first day..." and stuff. 

The teacher pointed at the table I was sitting at, telling Bowie to sit there for the rest of the semester. The boy walked over to my table and sits down. He looks at me, I notice he has really pretty brown eyes. I started to stare, which made Bowie smirk. I blushed slightly, and looked in another direction, feeling embarrassed.  I noticed him writing on a piece of paper, then passing it to me. 

The paper wrote, "Hey, what's you're name?". I stared at the paper for a second, then got my pencil out of my pocket, and wrote, "My name is Raj, what about you?". I passed the paper back to Bowie, smiling slightly. 

Bowie smiled, writing on the paper again, "I'm Bowie, Are you on the Hockey Team, I think I recognize you?" I wrote back, "I was on the hockey team last year. I need to sign up again though." Bowie smiled at me, making me blush a bit. He wrote back, " I don't understand hockey at all, but that seems cool. I once came to a game, and I remember you and some other guy with Blonde hair being really good, I mean I think you were good, but again, I don't know a thing about hockey." Bowie smiles at me softly. I wrote back, "thanks man, even if you don't understand hockey, it's a nice for you to say. Do you have any friends in this class, because I don't?" Bowie smiles, he wrote back, "I know some people, but no friends," I wrote back, "My only friend isn't in any classes of mine, so I'm kinda upset because of that. He's my only friend".

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