Origins Part 1 (Mister Bug & Lady Noire)

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It was the first day of the new school year has teenagers and kids were heading for except for one person who was still in bed.

"Adrien wake up, you're going to be late for school and your alarm clock has been ringing for the past half hour! Emilie shouted which woke Adrien up as he crawled out from his covers with messy hair

"Yes, Mom." Adrien said as he got out of bed and walked downstairs

"First day of the school year ain't you excited?" Emilie asked with a smile on her face

"No Mom I'm not excited, I have a feeling something is going to happen this year. Adrien said as he made his breakfast

"I'm sure nothing will happen this year you are just nervous about your first year." Emile said

"Let's hope so and I don't get Chloe's brother in my class this year." Adrien said as he put his cereal down then things started to spill which made him sigh in sadness due to his clumsiness.

"Seems like I'm going to be made fun of by my clumsiness again." Adrien said

"Don't say that, I'm sure you'll lose your clumsiness during the year just believe in yourself." Sabine said which made Adrien smile

"Thanks, Mom." Adrien said as he gave his Mom a kiss on her cheek then he went upstairs got dressed he walked downstairs to the bakery where his father was

"Morning Father." Adrien said

"Morning Adrien, ready for your first day back at school." Gabriel said as he was rolling out dough

"I don't know I feel very nervous about going to school." Adrien said

"Why is that?" Gabriel said as he stopped rolling his dough

"It's about Chloe's brother Cody I just hope he isn't in my class this year." Adrien said

"I'm sure he wouldn't be this year." Gabriel said then he walked behind the counter where he made a box of macarons

"I'm sure he will be since he's been in my class for 4 years." Adrien said then he saw his father bring a box of macarons out

"For your class Adrien." Gabriel said as he handed the box to Adrien

"Thanks dad, I'm sure my class will love these." Adrien said as he took the box then he hugged his father, then exited and waited at the lights he saw Master Fu still walking across the street so he ran and saved him which made him trip on the footpath which made him spill the macrons all over the street then people crossed and and stepped in them which made Adrien disappointed

"I'm sorry I'm so clumsy." Adrien said

"It's alright there are some left." Master Fu said as he took a macaron out of the box and he ate it

"Yum." Master Fu said as he like the taste then they heard the bell which made Adrien to widen his eyes

"Oh no, I'm late, Bye sir." Adrien said as ran to school then he went to his class and he sat next to Nino and did their signature handshake then Chloe and Cody walked in

Chloe walked over to Sabrina and gave her a kiss on the cheek and smile as they both sat down while Cody just stared at Adrien

"Wrong seat doofus." Cody said

"What do you mean the wrong seat I always sit here." Adrien asked

"Not this time my beautiful girlfriend will be sitting here so go to the back where I don't have to see your ugly face." Cody said then Chloe spoke up

"Cody, Marinette isn't your Girlfriend, she rejected you every time you ask her out no wonder she and I are best friends since you annoy her so much". Chloe said

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