break-up pt 2

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He looked at the ring in his hands as tears are still rolling down his cheeks

“I love you” I said getting up and walking away

“It won’t be the same” he whispered softly so I didn’t hear what he said.

《 your pov 》

It's been about a couple months since you and Chris have broken up.

I was laying in bed still upset that me and Chris broke up. When suddenly I my phone went off so I grabbed my phone to see what it was. It was a text from Nick.


Nick 🐦

I was wondering if you
wanted to be in today's


were picking you up in
30 minutes



Once I had got done texting him I gotten up and out of bed and got cleaned up since I looked like shit.

Its had been about 30 minutes and Nick had text me saying they were outside. I put my shoes on and headed outside to the van.

I had hopped in the backseat with Nick. When I had got into the van Chris looked back at me with a sad look.

We then headed to McDonald's for some food for the video and since Matt and Chris was hungry. Once they got their food we went to the parking lot to start to the video.

Before we started recording we sat there talking for a few minutes and to let Nick pull up the QnA questions. We then started the video. After about 10 minutes into the video someone had asked a question about me and Chris.

Nick- is y/n and Chris still dating

Me and Chris looked at eachother with a sad look on our face. I had then looked down letting Chris answer the question.

Chris- no we are not. Things just didn't work out between us.

He had said with his voice was kinda cracking. After about 5-6 minutes the video ended and Matt took me home.

《 Fan's pov 》

Today's video had came out today and y/n was in there. Why was she in the video. After about 10 minutes into the video someone had asked 'are y/n and Chris still together'

When Chris had said 'no' I felt really bad because we was trying to make them break up because we just wanted to protect Chris.

Now that y/n and Chris had broken up because of us we had made Chris really sad. I felt really bad about it. So I went onto tiktok to make an apology video on why we did it. Soon my fyp was full of apologize.

《 Chris's pov 》

I've been on tiktok for a little bit bored and sad. I then seen that my fyp was full of apologies of giving y/n to much hate and making us breakup. I then  texted y/n after about 5 minutes



Can I come over?



I then put on my shoes and a hoodie then walked over to y/n's house once I got there I knocked on the door. Soon the door opened. When I had walked in I took my shoes off we then walked over to her couch.

y/n- why did you wanna come over

I then took a deep breath then explained the whole story.

Me- so do you think we could try and give it a second chance. I mean only if you wanna.

She sat there looking like she was thinking about it

y/n- I think we could try and give it a second chance. Also I'm sorry for breaking up with you. I just couldn't take all the hate for dating you.

Me- I understand but you could've talked to me and I would've said something about it.

《 skip forward 6 months later 》

《 your pov 》

It's been about 5 months since Chris had asked me to be his girlfriend again. Now we are thinking of telling the fans that we are dating again.

So we went live on Chris's Instagram.

Chris- so me and y/n had some exciting news to tell you guys.

Me- we are dating again.

Now this time instead of it being full of hate it was everyone being happy saying stuff like.

- omg I'm so happy
- im sorry for making you guys breakup but I'm happy
- glad Chris found someone that makes him happy
- omg finally

Chris- so that is all we wanted to tell you guys and thanks for not having us this time.

He then ended the live. We then watched a movie and cuddles for the rest of the night.

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