From Camp To Reality: What comes next?

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Abi's POV

As Abi sat on the cabin steps, sketching away in her book, she focused on drawing her best friend. Emma and Abi grew close over the two months they spent at summer camp, despite their opposite personalities. Abi was a quiet artist, who typically followed others rather than making her own decisions. Emma, on the other hand, was loud and confident, which came as no surprise since she had been an influencer for a couple of years. Abi didn't mind Emma's outgoing personality though. In fact, she looked up to her and didn't want to lose her friendship, especially given Abi's social past.

Abi was engrossed in her sketchbook when a voice interrupted her. She looked up to see Emma standing beside her. "Hey there, party bear". Emma whistled. Abi played along. "Status report?" Emma replied, "We're officially empty nesters! High five up top!" She lifted her hand for a high five, and Abi eventually responded with the same gesture, and their hands connected.

Emma shot Abi a cheeky and devilish look, and Abi knew exactly what she was thinking. Although they'd only known each other for a few months, Abi had already learned to study Emma closely.

Abi sighed and rolled her eyes at her. "Oh no, you're about to get your phone back, aren't you?" At the beginning of camp, Mr H, the owner of the summer camp, took away their phones to avoid any distractions. Emma groaned while walking up the cabin stairs. "Let's grab our bags and get AWAY from this infested dump!" Abi let out a slight sigh and said, "Door locked, bags inside." Emma huffed and exclaimed, "Oh, fuck me." Without wasting a moment, Abi replied, "Yep."

Emma resumed speaking, "Well, it's obvious what we have to do here." Abi got up and turned towards her, "Find someone with a key?" Emma's face suddenly brightened. "Shape our destiny. And by shaping our destiny, I mean shaping our way into this crappy door lock and to grab our bags!" Emma smiled, eagerly anticipating Abi's response

After a moment of contemplation, Abi found herself at a crossroads. Though she was eager to please her closest friend, she was equally wary of any potential difficulties that might arise. She had always maintained a pristine criminal record, and the prospect of jeopardising was troubling. She finally came around to a decision.

Abi got up and walked towards the door where a taller girl stood, saying, "Fine, but we better not get in trouble." Emma shrugged and replied, "I won't tell if you won't tell." They looked at each other, and Abi complained, "Mr. Hackett's gonna find out." Emma reassured her, "So what? He'll just think it was a bear or something." Abi gave her a blank stare and a dry voice asking, "Have you ever seen a bear in these woods?" Emma smiled adoringly and said, "No, but it doesn't mean they're not out there," causing Abi to blush's bit and give up. "Fair point."

"Alright, let's do this, on three," Emma began to count, and continued, "One...two...THREE!" The door opened and both girls tumbled in.

Emma got up first and looked around the cabin, then turned to Abi who was still on the floor. "All about the power of positive thinking." Emma said confidently. "Why do I ever listen to you?" Abi scolded her as she got up. Emma picked up her bags and slung them over her shoulder. "Because I'm always right?" she replied playfully, teasing the red and black haired girl. Abi's worry resurfaced.

"Are you sure they're gonna think it was a bear?" Her words came out faster than usual. "Oh my god, relax. It's not like we killed someone," Emma said, already headed towards the door. Abi shrugged, accepting it.

"Alright...well, I'm just gonna take another look around, make sure we didn't miss anything," she said. Emma disappeared out of the cabin without waiting for her. "Go nuts!" she called back to Abi before vanishing into the silence.

Emma's POV

Here's the rewritten text with improved clarity:

As Abi's voice began to fade, Emma kept walking away from the cabin. She was eager to return home after two long months without technology. She couldn't believe how well she had managed to survive without it. Although she missed her followers, she knew she would miss Abi even more when she left.

Emma recently ended her relationship with her ex-boyfriend. She told him that she couldn't handle a long-distance relationship, and he was understanding. However, Emma had other reasons for the breakup.

Upon her arrival at the buggy, Emma put her own bag and Abi's bag in the back of the vehicle. "What's in Abis bag?" She complained, struggling to lift it. Once she returned to her seat, Emma found herself already missing the summer camp. The beautiful scenery, trees all around, and the lakes were all unforgettable, especially the island.

Emma looked away from the ground to see Abi walking towards her. "Ready to roll?" Emma inquired. "Let's do this!" Abi answered, appearing enthusiastic. "Finally!" Emma exclaimed, raising her hands up and returning to her seat. Abi took a seat beside her and started to operate the buggy.

(I'm lazy to do that entire thing so if ykyk)

They finally arrive at the front of the lodge, where the counsellors are packing their things into the minivan. "Hey Nick!" Abi calls out. "Hey, where were you guys?" Nick responds. Emma feels a pang of sadness, but she decides to play along. "Would you like to know?" Emma teases. Abi hushes her, "ignore her, please."

As everyone continues to talk, Emma drifts off into her own thoughts. She thinks about how she's leaving her friends, and how she could have made more of an effort. But all of these thoughts lead to one thing: Abi. The idea of leaving her behind and possibly never seeing her again makes Emma feel sick. If it weren't for Abi, she would have left ages ago. Emma feels almost homesick, as if Abi is the only thing that makes this place feel like home.


Mr. H eventually left and everyone was left outside, except for Ryan. Emma felt unfocused even though she was finally there. She sat down on the lodge steps, lost in thought. Emma thought to herself, "I'm being dramatic."

Abi noticed Emma sitting there and asked if she was okay. Emma replied dryly, "Yeah, I'm just thinking." Abi sat down next to her and looked at her with a worried expression. "Are you sure? You've seemed kinda out of it since we got here." Emma spoke up, "Are we still going to talk after this? Sorry, I know I'm being a bit...bleh."

"Of course we will! You're my best friend Emma," Abi reassured her. Abi gave Emma a hug and rested her head on her shoulder. Emma felt warm and relieved. "Careful, I'm still sweaty after pushing down that door," Abi giggled. Emma asked, "Weren't you just talking to Nick? Why are you over here now?" Abi replied, "He's a great guy, but it got quiet real quick. Introvert problems." "Can't relate."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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