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I don't rlly have much to say, so... Enjoy <3


Eliora remained silent as her classmates fawned over the wretched snake once again. Said snake peered over at her and gave her a smirk that went unnoticed by the stupid sheep she called classmates. She ignored her and went back to her sketching.

“I really hate her,” the person next to her grumbled. Eliora grinned a little at them.

“Me and you both, Ryker”. Ryker grinned rogushily back at her. Ryker was a tall, chestnut brunette with lively electric blue eyes and an outgoing, wild personality. He had been her best friend since their first day of kindergarten and one was never without the other. The day they aren’t with each other is the day Hell freezes over, as their mother’s had put it.

Eliora brushed some of her hair out of her face. She had dark brown hair with natural blonde highlights that spilled down her back, all the way to her bottom. She had striking green eyes that glittered and glowed and a fiery personality that could enthrall anyone. That day, she was wearing some baggy, ripped blue jeans and a black tank top with a green flannel over top. Ryker was in some baggy black cargo pants with chains hanging off the side and a black tank top.

“Hey, Eli, ya wanna hang out after school today? I have something to give ya” Ryker asked. Eliora felt her lips twitch up into a tender smile as she nodded.

“Of course, Ry-Ry. You know I would always say yes” she laughed gently, turning to him with shining eyes. Ryker grinned, a small dusting of pink decorating his nose and cheeks.


“What do you have to give me?” Eliora asked a few minutes later, tilting her head to the side curiously. Ryker’s heart pounded at the expression. He cleared his throat and turned his head so she couldn’t see how red his cheeks were.

“Ah, ah, ah! It’s a surprise!” he teased, turning back to face her once his face cooled down. Eliora pouted, her cheeks puffing and her bottom lip jutting out.

Adorable’ Ryker thought fondly.

“Why not?” she whined, her big green eyes boring into his blue ones. He smirked at her and booped her nose.

“Sorry, Princess, but if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, now would it?” he told her. Now it was Eliora’s turn to be flustered. She scowled and looked away, her face a bright red.

“Idiot” she murmured. Ryker laughed at her reaction while his heart pounded in his chest. They were soon interrupted by the wicked witch herself.

“Hey Eliora, hey Ryker” Rebecca greeted, giving Ryker a flirtatious look. A pit of anger boiled in Eliora’s stomach as she watched Rebecca flirt with her Ryker. As usual, Ryker avoided her advances like the plague and instead chose to go on his phone. Eliora snickered as Rebecca huffed and stomped back to her seat where the mindless sheep were awaiting.

“And what are you laughing about, brat?” she heard Rebecca’s guard dog, Anna, shout. Eliora shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh, nothing”. Anna rolled her eyes and turned back to Rebecca. Eliora made faces at her back, Ryker stifling his laughs behind his hand.

Soon, the school day was over and everyone was rushing out of the building, ready to get home. Ryker and Eliora walked down the sidewalk to his house, laughing about something Rebecca had said earlier. After several minutes, the both of them entered his two story house.

“Hey honey, hey Eli” Ryker’s mom greeted warmly. Eliora smiled at her.

“Hi auntie” she replied, giving the older woman a hug. Ryker’s mom pulled away and checked Eliora over.

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