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As the end of another day at Parksville High had arrived, the school's doors flooded out with students who were eager to get home. Some to get a well deserved break from a long week of working. Some to study for an upcoming test. Others to get ready for plans they might have for tonight or the weekend.

Amongst the students leaving the building were two specific individuals. One brown hair boy with crimson eyes, sporting a comfy green sweater with blue jeans and a pair of Vans. The other a blonde girl with blue eyes, sporting a black hoodie with a green shirt underneath, paired with jeans and some regular (and certainly not as cool) black tennis shoes. The two stopped shortly outside of the school, allowing time for the rest of their gang to catch up. In the meantime, conversation.

"They're taking longer than usual.." Meri Sunshine noted, "Do you think we should go check on them?"

Ron Manfred shook his head, stuffing his phone in his pocket after finishing his text to someone. "Nahh. They're alright. Any longer through and one of us might have to remind them what day it is."

"You'd think they'd remember by now.. We've been doing this for almost a year now, right?"

Before Ron could answer, he could hear someone excitedly yelling his name.

"RONNN!!! SONIC FRONTIERS NEWS!!" Screamed the in-coming periwinkle-dyed haired boy, ecstatically waving his phone in the air, "THERES FINALLY A FUCKIN TRAILER"

"WHAT??! JUST NOW?!" Ron and Cody Martinez both shared a strong interest in Sonic the Hedgehog. This was something Meri could never really get, but she was glad they were excited about it.

"Eh, more like an hour ago, but still!!! Here, ch--" Cody stopped, as he caught glance of someone finally exiting the school as well. "Eh, I'll show you later. HEY!!"

Cody ran to meet up with the 4th member of the friend group, Lune Yvonne. Only to be politely ignored as he approached the rest of the group.

"So that's 4 out of 5 of us.. what took you guys??" Meri questioned.

"Ah.." Cody shook off the fact that the love of his life just straight up ignored his attempt to make a move. It's fine! It's fine... "uh- Nothing really. I had to watch the trailer i mentioned."

"You're such a nerd." commented Ron.

"YOURE such a nerd!!" Cody playfully shoved Ron, causing Ron to shove playfully back. A playful shove-off between the brown haired and lavender haired boys ensued thanks to this.

Lune shook his head as he looked at the ground, as if he were embarrassed that he was friends with these two.. which could never be the case. "You're both nerds."

"What about you Lune?" Meri asked after breaking her gaze away from the boys just being boys, "What took you this time?"

Lune simply took a breath, before being interrupted by another member of the group finally arriving.

A shorter individual, sporting a purple sweater-vest over a white shirt, as well as black pants. His hair was fluffy and white, much like a cloud. And who could possibly forget that silly little bandanna-scarf he is never seen without? Bob smiled calmly at his four friends upon entering the scene. Ron lit up even more upon seeing him.

"There you are, Bob!!" He came over to greet his shorter friend.

"So sorry I'm late! I had to quickly take care of something." Bob's pearly white eyes gazed upon Ron and the rest of his friends. Ron put his arm around them, gently shaking them in reassurance.

"Don't be! You're not /that/ late."

"Ron, everyone's late by like- 10 minu--"

Meri was interrupted by Ron holding up his pointer finger with a quick "Hush, Meri.", with her responding with an eye roll.

Cody finally chimed back in soon after. "So. . . Are we waiting for anyone else or are we gonna go already????"

"I doubt there's anyone else to wait on." Lune replied, gazing over at Ron, "unless someone decided to adopt someone into the group again."

"Hey, it was only with Bob!" Ron retorted with a laugh. "But don't worry. We got everyone. Let's get going!!"

With that all out of the way, the group finally made their way to the local McDeebles.

Just as things always had been, nothing could possibly go wrong.

No Escape (A Bob Mod AU) [Re-write]Where stories live. Discover now