Chapter 2

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That Monday morning, before the sun could even begin to rise, Ron was already up and getting ready to go. He slipped on one of his favorite sweaters- a lime-ish green which looked a little thinner than one would expect it to be, accompanied with a regular pair of jeans and his Vans. Ron was never really one to plan his outfit for the next day. As he does most every other morning, Ron had simply woken up and dug through his closet until he found something he deemed as "cool."
As Ron finished getting himself ready, he had no idea that the one other person in the house was already awake as well, and sitting in the living room watching the news. Of course, it didn't take very long for Ron to notice him.

"Good morning, dad." Ron quietly called out, catching the attention of his father, Leonard Manfred.
Leonard turned his head towards Ron, rubbing his eyes some.

"You're up early.." He mumbled in a gravelly tone. He must've just woken up too, Ron thought to himself as he walked to the kitchen area to grab a granola bar.

"Bob asked me to meet him before school started." He unwrapped the bar, and took a bite out of it before continuing, "'Said he wanted to do something to cheer me up..."

He didn't need to explain further. Wether it was to his father or not, the disappearances of Meri, Cody, and Lune have pretty much been the talk of the town. Without any sort of lead for what might have happened, some folk had been lead to assume the worst. With all of that in mind, Leo got up from the couch and faced Ron.

"..after everything." Leo finished Ron's sentence, despite the fact that it probably wasn't meant to be finished like that. "...doesn't that seem kinda weird though? He wants to meet with you alone. Those kids were left alone when they vanished."

The brown-haired boy blinked at his father with a confused expression, as he swallowed another bite of his granola bar.
"Dad. This is Bob we're talking about. He couldn't kidnap anyone even if he wanted to. And besides, where would he hide them???"
Ron held his free arm up in a shrugging manner. He knew he was right. Bob was a small guy. A small and scrawny fella. As far as Ron was aware, Bob didn't even have it in him to come close to thinking about doing something like this.

"I ain't saying they're for sure responsible!" He came closer to Ron, as he exhaled lightly, "I'm just saying you need to be careful. The last thing I want is to see your face on a missing poster."

It was silent for about a moment between the two after Leo said that. Ron thought about what he was doing. But only for a second as he finished his granola bar and tossed the wrapper in the trash. Leo soon gave a pat on Ron's back.

"Listen. If you feel like your shits about to get fucked, get outta there and run back home. No makin' excuses, no dilly-dallyin'or whatever. Back home as fast as you can."

Ron gave a short smile, "Yeah, yeah, I know." As he dismissed Leo's rambles. It was just gonna be him and Bob. Probably even some school faculty. He would be fine!

Ron had made it to the meeting spot on time. The sun was barely rising behind the clouds, still leaving the scene a little dark. But it wasn't so dark that Ron would be left blind to whatever would be lurking in the darkness.
Upon arriving at the spot however, instead of his short, white-haired friend being there to greet him, there was a note on the door.

Meet me inside
I have a surprise for you!
-Bob :)

Ron was a little skeptical. Meet me inside? He thought to himself, the buildings not even open yet.. how am I supposed to-

Curiously, Ron opened the door.


To his surprise, the building was unlocked after all! Bob must've convinced a staff member or someone to unlock the door. To anyone else, this would feel like a pretty big and shiny red flag, actively warning them to turn back now. To Ron? This piqued his curiosity. If Bob's going this far for a surprise... what kinda cool thing could he be planning?! Ron excitedly walked into the building. For some reason, he expected to see his friend, standing there and waiting. Probably would even jokingly say something like "Golly! You sure took your time!" (Despite Ron making sure he did actually arrive on time.) However, instead of the expectation, Ron was greeted with the empty halls of the school. It was quite eerie being here. Without the various noises of other students passing by, combined with hall monitors screaming at them to get to class before the bell.... This place felt dead.

His footsteps echoed as he walked further in, as Ron himself saw no sign of Bob. This was... awfully strange. Bob DID say to meet them here, right? He WAS told that correctly, right? He had to be. The note was on the door. The door was unlocked. The more Ron thought about this, the more confused he got.... At least until he found another sticky note on the wall leading to the stairs.

This way!
-Bob :)

So Bob wanted to be silly about this? Somehow that didn't really surprise Ron. He followed the sticky notes left behind by Bob, leading him to the stairs.. Where he was met with even more sticky notes. Each one of them having a drawn arrow pointing upwards, or some variation of the previous notes left behind. Bob sure did take a lot of time to meticulously hand-draw and write all of these sticky notes. Such was especially noticeable by Ron as he made it up the stairs, where guess what? MANY MORE STICKY NOTES DECORATED THE HALLS! Ron stopped in awe of just how much effort Bob put into this... and began asking a really good question.

Why would Bob go this far to cheer Ron up? Sure, the two were good friends..but all of the sticky notes? Somehow getting the school unlocked just for this? He found it a little strange.
"Well..." Ron uttered to himself, "Bob himself is a little strange." He didn't think as much on it as he probably should've as he followed the notes down the hall, until they ended at one classroom.

The amount of sticky notes seemed to triple- maybe even quintuple in quantity upon reaching Room 2003. The notes, each with their own arrow drawn on them along with words like "here!" "Right here!" "Come on in!" Occasionally scattered amongst the arrows, surrounded the doorframe, making it almost impossible to tell it was originally a door. Despite the growing suspicion becoming more apparent to him, Ron opened the door. He expected at this point for Bob to be standing in there, maybe even trying to stick even more sticky notes on the walls (at this point, it really wouldn't surprise him.) But no. Upon opening the door, he was only greeted with darkness... well, except or the very little light coming from the window down the hall... Should he even be doing this? Of course he should. Bob wouldn't lead him into a trap. He's too silly for that! But even still, he cautiously entered the dark room.

"Bob? Are you hiding in here??"

No response.

"Alright... Your silence ain't really convincing..! Uhhh.." Ron shifted his weight nervously. He's never really liked the dark... especially if he's alone in the dark. "Whyyy are you being so quiet, Bob????"

Still, no response. Ron was growing a bit worried. What if Bob wasn't even here? What if they were taken before he got here? Like the others... What if he was next? He made his way to the door as fast as possible.


Ron felt his heart stop. It had to be Bob. If it was whoever was responsible for the disappearance of the others, then why would they trap him in a room with no windows or other way of leaving?? But even still, Ron was getting way too freaked out now. He ran to the door at an instant, banging his fists against the wood in desperation.

"BOB?! THIS—" He hyperventilated, "THIS ISNT FUNNY!! please oPEN THE DOOR!!"

Without any response still, Ron resorted to using the rest of his body, practically slamming himself against the door with all of his might. But even still, the door wouldn't budge. Tears were streaming down his face as he continued. On and on he went as he continued. Even now to the point of screaming at the top of his lungs.


He felt a light touch against his shoulder. A light touch that quickly turned into a tight grasp. Ron had no time to react before he felt his consciousness leave him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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No Escape (A Bob Mod AU) [Re-write]Where stories live. Discover now