First Interaction, Ch 1 🧋

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"HEY, KUSUO WAIT UP!" I waved him down and made sure I shouted loud enough for him to hear me. I stubbled as I rushed by his side, almost droping my book bag.

"Hey, Shun." He replied with a less energetic tone but with a slight smile.

Kusuo and I had been friends ever since our first year of High school. To be honest it was a struggle to get close to him at first. He was introverted and still is. He often kept to himself, but as I got to know more and more about him he began to open up. Ever since then, he and I been close friends.

"You excited for our first day of college?!" I blurted out with excitement. To be fair I was acting excited but behind it I was nervous AS HECK!

"No one but an Idiot like you would be excited." He replied letting out a huge yawn as light tears formed in his eyes. "I just can't wait for this day to be done and over with" he wiped his teary eyes. "Your nervous aren't you?"

My head shot toward his view "Y-you noticed?" I chucked nervously, scratching the back of my head. I swear he sees right thru me, but otherwise he wouldn't be a real bestfriend if he hadn't. I got even more nervous as we were getting closer to the opening gates.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." He reassured me as I felt a gentle pat on my back. I gave him a soft grin as my nervousness went away. "Right! Thanks for reassuring me, Kusuo!"

We walked past the gates and into the building. It was crowded and loud, no surprises there. All I heard was chatting and some of the college students already chatting with one another. How could everyone be so social?

"Hey," I looked around, not seeing Saiki anywhere. "Kusuo?" I was frantically looking around trying to catch a glimpse of his pink hair, but with no luck. Damnit now I'm surrounded by a bunch of people I don't even know. I started making my way outside on the open field, trying to look for a bench to sit at. I messaged Kusuo telling him to meet me at the bench under the cherry blossoms.

I finally got a response from Kusuo saying he'll be on the way in 5 mins. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. "I feel kinda thirsty.." I said to myself as I looked around for a vending machine. Some guy with purple hair already beat me to it, eh I'll just wait till he leaves.


He's been standing there for a good 5 minutes, or so it felt like. I slowly made my way towards him and when I got a glimpse of his side profile. He was gorgeous. He had straight fluffy purple hair and he wore glasses, his eye lashes were long. Not to mention his eyes. His eyes were narrow and dark, his skin was pale and looked really smooth.

"H-hey.. You've been standing there for a while now, um-" I was interrupted as he gave me a cold look.

"Huh?" He sounded rude, as he gave me a serious look.

"U-um, no its just. I was checking on you. You've been standing there for a while now and-" I stuttered as I avoided his gaze.

"Here! I grabbed the wrong drink. Take it." He shoved the drink against my chest with so much force, I felt my feet stumble back a few steps. I turned around as fast as I could "W-wait!" I shouted as I tried to reach him.

"There you are, Shun." I heard Kusuo's voice as he gripped my shoulder "I was sitting at the bench and saw someone push you back, what happened?" He asked in his still less energetic tone, but I could tell he was concerned.

"It's not like that, he gave me this drink." I raised the drink up and glanced at it.

"Oh? Isn't that your favorite drink?" He asked as he tilted his head. I nodded in response. "What a coincidence."

"What did the guy look like?" Kusuo asked "all I saw was the back of his head and his hair color".

"Well he wore glasses and had narrow sharp eyes, and he looked kinda mean, or serious." I tried to explain the best I could but Saiki just gave me a "what?" look.

"Forget it, let's hurry and find the auditorium, all the students are said to be there by 8:30." Kusuo said as he started walking ahead of me.

I followed behind him as I open the peach soda. I took a sip of it as it was still cold, a few droplets of water dripped from the can and slid down my arm.

"It tastes sweet."

Moments passed and all the students were gathered in the auditorium, Kusuo and I got separated. He sat two rows ahead of me. I caught myself looking around for that guy with purple hair and glasses, as I looked behind myself I saw him sitting in the back row with his feet resting on the seat infront of him. Students were avoiding him which I could understand, he looked like a real delinquent along with his cold stare which made him even more unapproachable but in the end students still sat next to him anyways, though no one was sitting in the seat he had his legs resting on.

More time passed as teachers and such was talking, to be honest I wasn't really listening. I was just wanting to get to my new class and luckily Kusuo and I are in the same room.

"Alright college students! Hurry to your first class!"

I heard some adult shout thru the mic as students began rushing out of the auditorium. I saw the guy with purple hair already escape the auditorium.

"I wonder if I'll be in the same class as him.." I whispered.

"Huh? You talking to yourself again, Shun?" Kusuo nudged my shoulder.

"N-no of course not!" I blurted out "I was just thinking that, maybe we'll be in the same class as that guy with purple hair." I avoided Kusuo's gaze, and for some reason I felt flustered. I hope I can thank him for the drink if we do end up in the same class. To be honest I'm kinda curious about him.

"Our class is over here, Shun. Where are you going?" He yanked my arm towards him as he pointed in the classroom.

"Oh haha! Sorry I got lost in thought." I chucked as he and I walked in. There were no assigned seats so Kusuo and I sat at the back row.

"IM SITTING BY THE WINDOW!" I shouted as I rushed toward the empty seat.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Kusuo responded as he sat next to me.

I was staring at the door hoping the guy with purple hair would walk thru the door but he never did..

I felt kinda disappointed.

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