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"Ha...Home sweet home..." Taeman sighed after lying down on one of the chairs,closing his eyes to rest.

"Yah Bora,what happened to you?" Soonyi asked worried of seeing her friends ear coated with dry blood as she brushed past her.

"Let me treat that..." Aesol said holding the first aid kit and after arguing with few of her protests she gave in and left with her.

"And who might this be?" Youngshin questioned seeing a not so familiar girl entering the space from somewhere she was at before.

Hearing someone say that Yozora looked up from the floor, since she was the only new comer here. Everyone's eyes landed on her as they awaited for an introduction except the ones she already met today.

"Oh-Uh...Annyeonghaseyo Yozora ibnida...Nice to meet you all" She smiled gleefully and bid. All the guys looked at her astonishingly while Taemans jaw dropped at seeing the girl. Followed by the others eyes glistening at the pretty girls smile.

"Oh Annyeong Yozora-shi!! Yoojung beamed with a calm grin.

"Who found her?" Youngshin inquired getting curious of how her presence was made.

"We found her at the hospital when we heard gunshots to be her saving Soocheol from spheres" Chiyeol replied before heading towards somewhere.

"Woah you must be very brave" Taeman said admiring her shy expression.

"Nah it wasn't a big deal,besides I'm glad I was of any help" she said patting Soocheol's shoulder as he returned the smile.

⥊ ◯ ⥋

"C'mon Yozora it's dinner time!!" Hanna announced dragging the girl with her towards the area Jangsoo distributed food.

They joined the que for food as the others were anticipated to eat their dinner after a long days hard word of killing spheres and struggling with their team. Taeman was standing in front of the two girls as Hanna quickly started up a random conversation to pass out time. The boys ears picked up the new voice talking and turned to face them.

"Ehem ehem" He cleared his throat gaining the girls' attention after they stopped talking "Ladies first Madame..." He said going to the side and gesturing his hands infront of him.

Yozora was about to object the offer as he must be starving after a tiring day and because she wasn't really that hungry to go first but before she could say anything,Hanna had already pushed passed him with Yozoras' arm between hers'. She looked back to see the boy uttering few curses at the arrogant girl while rubbing his arm where it was pushed against,his eyes caught sight of her and he instantly smiled at her sweetly earning a mouthed 'thank you' by Yozora.

"What the fvck is he upto?" Heerak muttered under his breath seeing what he just did.

"Guess we got another couple here" Dukjoon snickered from the side earning a hit from Soocheol.

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