Part 1 : The skill exihibition

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The Grand arena of hastinapur was standing majestic, touching even the heavens. The people were busy talking about the chariot race between Pandava prince Nakul and Kaurava prince dyumant which had just finished awhile ago. The certain man with a bow ran past the crowd towards the first row.

The pandava prince was being honored by a garland for his victory.

The certain man was making his way towards the upper corner of the stadium and through it he reached on the top of one the pillars which towered over the entire arena ,and from there he was able to eye the entire arena.

The royal stand decked with tents and seats engraved with gold and dangling pearls had some familiar and unfamiliar faces for the man. As the man was observing the arena silently he heard the words of Drona.


"I AM PROUD TO HAVE THE CHANCE TO TRAIN SUCH A WARRIOR." Guru Drona announced for the whole crowd to hear. They went into cheers as he touched his Guru's feet and then moved to touch the feet of the women in white sari.

After that the tournament for mace fighters began and 7 matches took place between kaurava princes as they were the ones most interested in mace fighting and after that two warriors with mace in hand started walking towards the centre of the arena. The first one was huge and unbelievingly ripped. He looked like a monster in human body and the second one was half his size but looked confident that he would win.

Soon the contest begun and it was clear from their eyes, they had animosity between them. It wasn't a respectful rivalry rather a pure blood lust.

20 minutes later.......

The time flew in a second both the warriors were completely thrashed by each other, their bodies full of scars about to collapse any moment but their faces said that they were not done yet. The widowed sitting beside queen gandhari had just stood up with her hands on her heart and a concern on her face for the safety of both of them. For a second both the warriors backed away and gathered their strength for the last strike and then rushed at each other with more ferocity but before striking each other down they had to stop because of a voice.


Bhisma had just stood up from his seat.

"This is enough. If Both of you have such thirst for battle then go outside the borders of hastinapur and fight for hastinapur. Don't divide it by shedding each others blood you fools.

After the words of bhisma the crowd fell silent as a grave. Both of them were heading to their respective sections with their heads down and mace in hand. Then the king addressed the crowd.

"My dear subjects , don't get dishearted as the tournament hasn't ended, am i right Guru drona ?"

"Yes your majesty , as for the last performance i would like to call the great archer whose arrows hold the power to stave off the King of gods 'Indra' himself . He has even defeated and enslaved the king of panchal Drupad. The one who can only be defeated by The God of Gods 'shiva', Arjuna the greatest archer of this entire generation.

 The one who can only be defeated by The God of Gods 'shiva', Arjuna the greatest archer of this entire generation

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The 'hero of hastinapur' came out of pedestal with composure and calmess his body tells that his age was young. Around 17 or barely 18 but his skills were to be feared.

His bow was sleek , elegant and light . The best for an archer, he pulled its string to test its resilience but to the certain man it looked like he was challenging the gods with thunderous sound.

The prince started to showcase his skills , elegancy and raw strength with the bow. As the time passed by arjuna was charming everyone present there without any discrimination. But the man on top of the pillar wasn't impressed. After arjuna was done with the tricks up his sleeve he stopped, giving drona the opportunity to praise him. The guru was overjoyed by the performance of his student and it was evident by his words and expression. But the words that "Arjuna is the best and there is nobody on par with him on this planet" made , the man groan in annoyance.

The very next second the entire population present in crowd witnessed someone falling down from the top of the pillar and the ground of entire arena cracked open.

The very next second the entire population present in crowd witnessed someone falling down from the top of the pillar and the ground of entire arena cracked open

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When the dust settled and a figure came into sight, everybody was having their eyes on him.

Seeing the man interupting in the celebration Drona spoke " You , who are you , who dared to interfere in-

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Seeing the man interupting in the celebration Drona spoke " You , who are you , who dared to interfere in-


The young man in red spoke , making everybody flinch that why was the man daring to speak rudely to a feared warrior such as Guru Drona himself,

The young man again spoke with his heavy voice that even rivals bhisma's "Well , the exhibition was not able to surpass my expectations , and so was NONE of your students , trust me Sage none of them is truly ready to be called a warrior"

The words enraged the Guru and the Royal family it was clear from their faces , the crowd was dead silent for a few seconds and then started murmuring and whispering among themselves about who could be this man be to challenge the teachings of Drona and blood of Kuru family.

Abruptly , arjuna shot a flaring arrow came flying at the young man's direction with great fire force and swallowed the young man in fire. Everybody gasped looking at it. But to everyones surprise the man was not scratched by fire and he was now claded by a golden armor and a spear in his hand and with strike fire was gone. The very next second the armour and spear vapourised.

Part 1 ends here

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Part 1 ends here

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