Part 3 : Revolutionary Society

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"Father.... Father are you alright ? Say something" Ashwathama looked distressed seeing his father in such horrible condition. Just moments ago he had took his bleeding body out of the rubble, he was struck under.

"Words are precious and they should be used very carefully, as far as retorting goes I retort with my weapons Arjuna. My sword is my tongue and The sound of my bow is My voice. Look around yourself for once is there anyone who can dare to speak anything ill against My family or my fellow brethrens." The words of Vasusen sent shivers down everyone's spine. His face and clothes were covered with Guru Drona's blood with it he looked like A beast who had just devoured his prey.

"The freezing of the underworld" Arjuna shot the arrow. " Freeze to death you scum for what you did to My Acharya!!"

Karna with his right arm swinged The Divine weapon away with unbelievable ease. "Your weapon is as lousy as you and even after that you think, you are worth a shot, you seriously piss me off."

Karna crossed the distance him and Arjuna in a blink of an eye and landed a knee blow right in his abdomen.

"What just happened was he really that fast or was i simply not paying attention" thought Arjuna as his body was writhing in pain.

Karna took hold of his hair, they were just as long as his, till shoulders. It was weird that a 17 year teenager had hair as long as a 26 year man. It for a second amused Karna.

The second amusement vanished Karna tossed Arjuna's body up in the air and as it coming down before it can touch the ground, Karna punched him in the gut sending him flying like a ragdoll and Arjuna landed in the tent of Royal family right beside Bhishma.

The Arena was silent as if it was someone's funeral and then an annoying less of a battle cry and more of a yelp was resonating in the arena. Bheema like a raged bull with a mace in hand came running towards Karna who looked at him with an uninterested face.

 Bheema like a raged bull with a mace in hand came running towards Karna who looked at him with an uninterested face

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And before being able to do anything he was ran over, unexpectedly by a Giant who came down flying like an arrow. The Giant knocked out Bheema just with his body weight. His body was massive.

It was red, so was his eyes and he was taller than Karna and even Bhishma and even Bheema, Jarasandha also seeing the Giants stature and feat was quite impressed that he was able to knock out someone like Bheema with this ease. Among men present their he was looking like monster.

 Among men present their he was looking like monster

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