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My eyes flickered open randomly even though I was still feeling quite dizzy.

However soon after realization hit me like a bullet train when I realized I wasn't sleeping on my own bed. I wasn't in my own room either. Rather, this room had a brown and beige theme with a faint scent of men's cologne in contrast to my plain white coloured room.

That's not important to notice right now.

The main point is, where the fuck am I and why am I getting the scent of men's cologne !?

I was panicking as I noticed I was wearing the same clothes from yesterday, the ones I wore when I went to Jeonghan's house, a bit damp yet.

Jeonghan's house.

I recalled running out from his house aimlessly until my breath gave up on the bench at our city park.

It was raining heavily and I recall thanking the heaven for I could bawl my eyes out without looking weird or being noticed.

But then....how the heck did I end up here????

My thoughts were crumbling me up so bad that I didn't even notice that someone had entered the room and took a seat beside me.

Out of curiosity I turned my eyes to examine the room once again when my eyes met with his.

His eyes were soft, they displayed happiness yet I could see the concern peeping behind them.

I was momentarily lost in his gaze and the very next minute I knew I gave him my "perfect" reaction to it.

A high pitched screech, definitely over 65 dbs. Not only that, I also jumped up and ran towards the other edge of the bed.

Never in my life had I expected I'd scream so much seeing a human, especially over my best friend.

Pressing his palms over his ears, Joshua squinched his eyes as he said, "Ah Haeyoon-ah stop screaming. My ears are gonna bleed now."

I picked up a pillow and stood in a attacking position, ready to attack him if he comes any closer.

As if the pillow is gonna help. How smart I am.

"W-what the heck are y-you doing in m-my house?" I said, still trembling and holding the pillow even though I didn't even know myself whether it was my room or not.

His eyes turned bigger but immediately returned being normal as he let out a short laugh.

"W-what? What's so f-funny now?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Nothing. You're just proving my point that you look cute when you're angry. By the way, this is not your room, it's mine."

My jaw dropped.

"What? How...how did I end up in your room? Where were you then-"

"Relax, take a seat first. You do not seem to remember the events of last night-"

"What!? What do you mean by events of last night!?! Tell me it's not true-"

"Geez would you stop screaming for the love of péte? Damn girl, get into the shower, freshen up and then I'll tell you everything. Stop hyper panicking, oh my gosh!" he literally pushed me into the washroom since I was being stubborn to listen to his story first.

𝘾𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙪𝙘𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙤 // 𝘑𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘶𝘢 𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now