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It was humid day in Seoul. A girl came running into the Music academy of Seoul as she got late for her Violin class and it was her first day. She kept running but she collided with a boy and the books in her hand fell down. They both also fell down. At first he became angry but as he saw her face he got cool. The boy got up and gave his hand for helping her to get up. She got up and said," I am sorry sir! I didn't see." He replied," It's ok. No need to say sorry. Let me help you." He also started to pick up book with her with a smile on his face and happiness in his eyes. He picked up the books and gave it to her. She said," Thank you so much sir." He replied," Mention not!".  The girl was an orphan her name was y/n. She was humble, kind and soft hearted. She was a good person. And the boy was a rich man and owner of his father's businesses and the music academy. He smiled after colliding with y/n because he fell in love with her at first sight. He liked her simplicity and humbleness. The boy's name was Park Jimin. He was a kind hearted boy and lovable person. He loved music and playing guitar. Now, y/n finally reached her classroom and said," May I come in mam? I am sorry for being late mam." Mrs Ruby said," It's ok y/n. It's your first class. But make sure that you won't get late by next class. Now come and sit. I will teach Violin's basics today." Y/n sat down at an empty bench. Then their class got started. After 2 hours the class got ended. Y/n came out of her classroom. She was going out from the academy. Two girls were siting there.  One girl said," Hey how about helping that girl?". The other one said with a smirk," Ahh let's see!".  They went towards y/n and said," What are you looking for?". Y/n said," Do you know the way to exit?". They both laughed and said," Yes of course we know. We will show you ." The one girl snatched her glasses. Y/n said," Hey what are you doing? I can't see without my glasses please give it to me." Then the other one said," Oh so you want glassed?". Then she pushed y/n and y/n fell down. They both were laughing in an evil way. In the meantime, someone snatched the glassed from her hand. They both turned back and saw that it was Jimin and said," Oh sir!". Jimin said," How dare you to bully someone? Do you want to get expelled from here?". They both said," We are sorry sir!" And went from there. Jimin gave the glasses to y/n nd said," Here are your glasses. Sorry for their bad behaviour dear." Y/n wore the glasses and said," Thank you so much sir. But please you don't apologise." He gave his hand to her again for helping her to get up. Y/n got up and thanked him. Jimin said," If you don't mind. Let me show you the exit." Y/n said," sure sir why not?". Then they both went from there. It was very big music academy. On their way, y/n asked," Sir are you teacher here?  Because the girls they were calling you sir." Jimin giggled and said," Naah not at all. I am the owner of this academy. Not only academy but my father's businesses too." Y/n said," Oh I am sorry sir!". Jimin said," It's ok by the way what musical instrument do you play?". Y/n said," Me, oh I play Violin and sir you?". Jimin replied," Oh I love to play guitar." Y/n said," A guitar. I too love it. But don't have time to play so that's why I play violin only." Jimin said," If you don't mind can I teach you to play violin?". Y/n said," Yes sir why not I will be happy." Then Jimin said," Ok then come with me. " He took y/n to a room where there was a guitar, a couch and a chair. He said," Here I will teach you. Come sit on that chair." Y/n said," Ok sir!".  Jimin said," Hey come on now don't call me Sir. I am feeling weird. " Y/n said," amm...ok Jimin..uh... It will take time for me." Then y/n sat down the chair. Jimin sat on the couch with his guitar. He saw that y/n was sitting a bit away from him so said to her," Hey why are you sitting that far sit close to me then how will I teach you huh?". Y/n said," I am sorry I am coming."  She came and sat close to her. Then Jimin gave his guitar and told her to hold it. He held her right hand and said," You have to play  it in this way." He was very close to y/n and he was looking into her eyes without blinking. Y/n was blushing hard and she also started to like him. Then he kept teaching her guitar for  1 hour. After 1 hour, he said," Now you can go. And I will teach you guitar after your violin class everyday y/n." Y/n said," Ok Jimin." Then he left her at the main gate and y/n went from there to her home happily. Y/n' s parents died when she was 5 years old. She lived with Ryujin and her parents. They adopted her since y/n saved Ryujin from accident and have helped her many times. Y/n reached her home after 10 minutes. Ryujin opened the door and saw that y/n was very happy and said," What happened y/n? You seem  very happy ?". Y/n told her everything. Ryujin then said," So do you like him?". Y/n said," Yeah very much. I guess he to likes me." Ryujin said," Ah then it's very nice y/n. I am always there to support you. If you like him then tell him." Y/n said," Yes Ryujin..I will when it will be the right time." She used to go to her violin class everyday and Jimin would teach her Guitar. One day, y/n's guitar class got over and she turned back to go but accidentally her leg got turned and she was about to fall Jimin held her by waist and pulled her close to him. They both looked into each other's eyes. Y/n was blushing hard. Jimin released y/n. Y/n turned toward the door to go but he held her hand said," Y/n I wanna tell you something very important." Y/n turned back. Jimin knelt to the ground and took out a rose from his pocket and held y/n's right hand and said," Y/n I love you so much. I can't live without you. Please accept me. I will keep you as my queen Jagiya! Just say yes." Y/n took the rose and said," Yes I love you too Jimin. And yes I accept you." She took the rose and hugged him. He also hugged her back. Then Jimin said," Let's go I will introduce you to my parents." Then he took her to his parents. His parents accepted her and fixed their marriage date. She told everything about herself to Jimin. He met Ryujin's parents also as they looked after y/n.Then it was nightime, Jimin and y/n were standing on his terrace. Jimin pulled out a ring from his pocket and made y/n wear it and said," It's just a small gift you my love." Y/n placed her head on his shoulder and said," Thank you so much honey! I promise that I will never you. And I am so happy that we are getting married." They both were very happy. The next day , y/n woke up and got fresh up, ate her breakfast and was sitting quietly with Ryujin. Suddenly she started to cough continuously for no reason. Ryujin asked," Are you fine y/n?". Y/n said," Yeah!". But she saw her hands were full of blood. Ryujin said," No look your hands are full of blood. Let's go to the doctor." They went to Doctor Kim. Doctor Kim did some tests of y/n and said," I am sorry to say miss y/n but you have blood cancer and you will die within 15 days and there is no cure for it." Y/n felt a great shock. Ryujin's eyes were full of tears. She said," Doctor there must be a way please save my y/n." Doctor Kim said," I am sorry miss Ryujin but I am helpless." Y/n said," It's ok doctor. Thank you for the checkup." Then they went to their home sadly. Ryujin hugged y/n and broke down tears. Y/n also broke down tears. Y/n said," Ryujin what will Jimin do now? He can't live without me? How can I tell him? I need to do something that will make him hate me forever and forget about me. Ryujin you need to marry Jimin for me. That's the only thing you can do for me." Ryujin said," But he loves you y/n. If you will do this it will create hatred for you in his heart and there will no love for you y/n." Y/n said while crying," But to make his life good I have to do it." Ryujin agreed with her. Then y/n called Jin who was her childhood best friend and said," I need your help." She then called Jimin and said," Jimin how about going on a date?". Jimin said," Sure I will there in 15 minutes." Then Jimin came at the restaurant. He saw Jin was hugging y/n and kissed her forehead. Jimin got angry. He held Jin's collar and said," How dare you to hug my y/n in front of my own eyes?". Y/n said," How dare you to hold his collar in front of me? He's my boyfriend". Jimin was in a great shock. He said to y/n," But y/n our marriage it's fixed. And you only love me right?. He held her hand while crying. Y/n pushed him which made him stagger a step back. Y/n said," Who said that I love you? I loved you only for your money. And get out of my sight now. And take your ring back!". Jin said," Let's go from here y/n." She threw the right which Jimin gifted her at his face. They both then  went from there.It started raining heavily Jimin sat on a bench their and he was wet,and very much broken. Ryujin came there with an umbrella in her hand. She came to Jimin and said," Jimin please why are you getting wet in rain. Come wit me!". She sat down beside. Jimin hugged her and broke down in tears and said," How can she do this to me Ryujin. She was my everything. I am very much broken." Ryujin said," Jimin please calm down. Come otherwise you will catch cold." Then Jimin went with her. It was three days after Jimin's breakup. He told his parents lie that he don't want to marry y/n as he don't like her now. Then his parents fixed his marriage with Ryujin. Ryujin wasn't happy at all as he was y/n's love. Y/n then went to the music academy. She saw that Jimin did the same things which he used to do with her. Y/n felt broken. Her health was getting worse worse day by day. One day Jimin came to give invitation card to y/n and said," Come to my marriage for sure miss y/n." Then it was the day of their marriage. Y/n went there. She wished them a happy married life with her eyes full of tears and ran from there. Ryujin got worried and called her instantly and said," Hey where are you going y/n? Please don't go alone as your health isn't good!". Y/n said," it's ok I have my violin test tomorrow. I have practiced nothing. Don't worry nothing will happen to me." Ryujin said," Oh ok y/n take care love!mom and dad will be back soon." Then she cut the call. Suddenly y/n started coughing badly and it wasn't stopping. She went to her home and ran to her room. And sat at her table and wrote a letter to Jimin.  Then y/n held his photo and said," I love you so much Jimin even now I didn't meet to hurt you!." She closed her eyes and died at her table. At morning when Ryujin's parents found her dead they called Ryujin. Ryujin and Jimin then went to Y/n's funeral. Jimin wasn't sad at all. He said," It's the karma of y/n. I don't know how many boys she have cheated. " Jin said," Shut up!Jimin don't cross your limits". Ryujin said," Yes Jimin mind your words whatever y/n did was just for you!". She told Jimin everything. Jimin felt broken after hearing it. He was about to fall down. Ryujin held him and said," Jimin control !". Jin said," Here is a last note for you written by y/n." Jimin took it and read it. It was written- Jimin, I didn't mean to hurt you. I am very much sorry. I guess I won't be alive when you will receive this letter. But I just want to say that take care of yourself and Ryujin. Whenever you will remember me you should smile not sad. And I just want to say one thing at last I love you so much Jimin. Jimin felt guilty and he hugged the deadbody of y/n and broke down in tears and said," I am sorry y/n. Please don't leave me!". He kissed her deadbody. Jimin was very broken. Then after one year Jimin and Ryujin had a daughter who took birth on the same day on which y/n died. He named his daughter y/n and lived happily.
- The End-
       - K Shrutika

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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