✧Burning windows of my dream✧

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~~written in Jimmy's POV~~
~~I also write scenes fast! sorry! and if you want to you can request something!<3~~

I woke up at 8am to my sister lizzie screaming "GET UP YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" I just flopped out of bed standing to stretch. I moved in with my sister and her husband recently which is kind of chaotic to be honest. It was also my first day back at high school I'm a sophomore, which is awesome I guess.

I headed down the hall to see lizzie was cooking up some breakfast and Joel was scrolling on his phone I wasn't aware of my surroundings, I tripped hitting the counter in the kitchen lizzie almost barley caught me "CAREFUL JIMMY!" She yelled as she helped me get back up straight. "Sorry... I zoned out." She just sighed at my words and continued cooking

I just left for school, I wasn't hungry that's only because one things been on my mind... The Burning Windows of my dream... more of a nightmare though. There was a cyan/blue-haired boy who was about to d!e by an axe up to their throat its like if I had known them though because I was crying and screaming in pain of watching It all happen. Infact I didn't recognize anyone there was a dog-hybrid male a zombie orange head girl- I couldn't think anymore my memories were blurry of the thoughts. I was tearing up I didn't know why I just was. 

I ran and ran until I made it to my school, I just kept running though I didn't stop, not even at my small group that was there for last year for me I just ran into the bathroom into a stall and busted out crying holding my head into my knees... Why me?! I thought to myself. I heard the door open to the bathroom and someone outside my stall I tried to be quiet, but I had a text.

hey Jimmy you alright? I'm outside your stall,
If you need something lmk, alright?


I left it on read. Because I was terrified... "HE SAW ME HE SAW ME HE SAW ME" At this point I was just panicking, "WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!" I shouted. I heard fWhip my friend who was outside the stall gasp and flinch a little, "jimmy...?" he said curiously, he's never seen me like this before normally because I'm all happy and crap. 

I just sighed "fWhip-?" I said in a shaky voice he replied calmly, "yes cod boy?" he only said that to tease me so I could smile, which didn't work. "I- I- can I have a hug...?" fWhip laughed "well your going to have to come out!" I stood up opening the stall door and wiping the tears on my face I walked over to him hugging on tight, "When your ready mind telling me what happened?" I just nodded sniffling.

"Alright! get off! you're getting my scarf wet with your tears!" I giggled and so did he. "sorryyyy" we stood laughing for a bit over that, but the thought wouldn't leave my mind. eventually when I got to 1st period with my friend's twin Gem, I sat next to hear and started sketching out all the people I saw giving them names too. the only thing I struggled with was the cyan-haired male, i wasn't quite sure how to draw him or what to call him.

"whatcha drawing there Jim~?" Gem said jokingly. "Erm- well..." I wasn't sure how to explain so I just shrugged and said, "some people from a dream I had." She Staired then pointed a figure and the man with a red sweater, "that's Grian!" she smiled, but I was confused. "Grian?! the kid who moved to Tokyo soul, Japan?" She nodded but then I looked at It again "IT IS GRIAN!?!?" 

"Jimmy solidarity." The teacher looked furious, "Have something to say to the class?" I stared Gem down and then we both said, "We need to use the bathroom miss!" The teacher rolled her eyes and gave us the bathroom pass. We walked out together but she stopped me mid-way "How, where, when, soooo many questionss!" she couldn't hold it in, but I was stuck not sure what to say.

 "Listen, afterschool I will text a place and time to meet everyone just then will I have time to explain." She hugged me but the bell rang just then "See ya' later alligator!" she starts walking away but I shouted, "COD NOT AN ALLIGATOR" just to tease her.

~☆During lunch ☆~
We (my group) gathered around in a circle on the rooftop of our building, that's our normal lunch spot we ate and talked for a bit until someone came over and tapped me on the shoulder.
"E-excuse m-m-me..." he seemed nervous but confident enough to say that. 

"yes?" I said tilting my head as I went to stand up. He pointed beside me at our newest  group member that I had just met this afternoon. I walked out of his way as he ran past me to hug him fWhip and Gem both asked "Whose this xon?" Xornoth did a nervous giggle, "Erm- well its my little brother..." he said.

I did a small 'aw' under my breath but someone his brother had good hearing he laughed and smiled up at me, "I'm cute now? since when? We just met honey~" at this point I was red and knew he was trying to get his way. "WHATEVER!!" I yelled our group cracked up at us.

We ended up hanging out for a bit and adding people to our group chat on phone then we decided to introduce ourselves before departing home for the day.
"Hey! I'm shrub and I'm from the undergroove empire!"
"hello... I'm pix from pixandria."
"yo, yo I'm sausage from mythland"
"the one who owns a cult for some reason-" joey said making us laugh
"ITS NOT FUNNY!" sausage rolled his eyes.
"The grimlands!"
"crystal cliffs!"
The twins tried to say near the same time.
"I'm prince joey from the lost empire" he fluffed his wings out 'showing off'
"Katherine Elizabeth, house blossom❁"
"Jimmy solidarty from the cod empire but hate salmon."
"Also he's a cannibal." joey said
"Xoronth and my younger brother king Scott is from Rivendell."
"If I may ask, why is Scott king and not you if your older?" Katherine started there was a long pause of silence. 

Everyone ignored the question since xon was uncomfortable answering that so we all went home and I had to go back to lizzie and joel.

~✧Word count: 1060✧~

Side note: I will try to post a new chapter either once a two weeks or sometimes once a week <3

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