that escalated quick! || nigel bottom x reader

24 1 3

warning: smut and inaccurate history
also virgin nigel
whore reader tbh

Nigel walked beside you, a huge grin on his face. He was finally going to win over Portia's dad! It was wonderful!

But not for you. Little did Nigel know that you had liked him ever since you two were kids. Were you ever going to tell him? Oh, God, no.

"I just... I don't know. She said to just tell them what was in my heart, and that would make him believe, but... What if it doesn't work, Y/N? What if-"

"Nige!" You said while taking him by the shoulders, "You're a great guy. Why wouldn't he like you?"

"I don't know..." He sheepishly said while a blush formed on his face. If he were to be fully honest with himself, you had always had his heart. He wanted to be with you, but then you started experimenting with guys and thought he blew his shot.

So when Portia showed up and openly showed love for him, he decided that he was going to try to replace his undying feelings for you with feelings for Portia.

"Just be yourself, and read them what you wrote. Remember to take it slow, and they'll come around." You gave him a warm smile and a hug, which he gladly reciprocated, and he went into the Puritan's house.

So when he came out with tears forming in his eyes, you immediately ran up to him.

"Nigel—oh my god—what's wrong?" You asked while wiping the tears off of his cheeks.

"Portia... She... She's being sent to Scotland! And it's all my fault!" He sobbed in between sniffles.

"Oh my..." Was it wrong for you to be happy? Nigel was finally all yours, hopefully.

"I'm so sorry you had to see me like this, I probably look so dumb right now-"

You cut him off with a kiss. You hadn't planned for it to happen, it was rather just an adrenaline sort of thing.

It took him a while to realize what was happening, but when he did, he grabbed the back of your hair and tightened the kiss.

When you two parted for air, you looked up at him with love-filled eyes. "I-I didn't know you liked me like that, Y/N."

"I could say the same here, Nige."

He stared at you and admired your features for a second before thinking about Portia again. Part of him felt bad for moving on so quickly, but the other part knew that she was only a cover-up for you.

"So... What are we now?"

"Well—uhm—what do you wanna be?"

You grabbed his hip and pulled him closer to you. "I'd really love to be your girlfriend, but I understand if it's too early-"

He cut you off by grabbing your upper arms. "No, no! It's... It's not too early! Plus, Portia was like a cover-up for my long-hidden feelings for you and I should probably shut up now, shouldn't I?"

You giggled before resting your forehead on his chest. "You're so cute when you ramble." You uttered onto his shirt.

"I-I—uhm—thanks?" He nervously spouted while wrapping his hands behind your back.

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