Someone kindapped our non-virgin Kunoichi.

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"Come on Kaku-bitch! One more fucking bottle! How can one more bottle hurt your wallet that fucking much, you asshole?" Hidan slurred pointing an accusing finger towards the money obsessed shinobi who only scoffed and chose to ignore the drunken idiot beside him. "Yeah loosen up Kakuzu. I can only become rogue once in my life and I wanna drink to celebrate my choice." Haruno Sakura said sending a cheeky smile at Shisui, yet nobody failed to miss the dull lifeless eyes she had.

The master of the Body Flicker Technique smiled back before downing another cup of sake. Man, that man could drink. "You pay." The green eyed male murmured before letting Hidan drink even more. He had already emptied two bottles of sake and Sakura wondered when he would finally collapse.

Sure, she could hold her alcohol pretty well herself but even she would be seeing rainbows and unicorns after the third. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder and breathed in the smell of heavy booze. She froze and looked over her shoulder to meet lustful brown eyes and a sly smile. "Hey young lady. Why dontcha come have some fun with oniisan here? He's pretty lonely and coulda use some love."

Time seemed to stop as all her male companions looked at the man fiercely before glancing at the young woman. They waited for her to punch him in the ground and get done with it but dropped their jaws at her flirtatious smile and suggesting wink that came almost immediately with no sign of hesitation. Ok, that was unexpected for all of them but the young drunkard seemed to be overjoyed at her blunt interest.

"Sure. Wouldn't want you getting lonely now. Where do you want to take me?" She said seeing from the corner of her eyes the blush that crept up on Shisui's cheeks and the obvious shock of the other two. "Oh. You are easy. Well then, why don't you come with me at my hotel room?" He said hiccupping a bit in between his words. She put on a disappointed pout and scoffed at him. "Hotel room? Where's the fun in that? If you strip right here right now I'll make you feel good."

The man seemed reluctant at first but at the state he was no proper thoughts could be formed. He pulled his shirt over his head before dropping it on Sakura's lap. Sakura stared at his lean torso licking her lips seductively. She ran her hand up and down his abs and grazed her nails over the man's nipples ever so slightly causing shivers to crawl up his spine. "Sakura, what are you doing?"

Shisui asked dreadfully ruining the mood and she shot him a warning glance.

Shisui shut up but remained thoughtful as to what Sakura was doing. She paid no mind and run her hand up his neck before grabbing a fistful of his black charcoal hair. She tugged at it harshly making him lean down and hover over her face. She smirked leaning forwards and placing a few butterfly kisses on his stomach extracting a growl from him. "You're a tease." He murmured firmly all hiccuppness and daze gone, now fully awake. His low serious tone startled Sakura who looked up at him curiously.

The ravenette now fully sober swipped her off of her feet and carried her bridal style outside ignoring her protests. The three men left at the table simply looked at the exit flabbergasted before Kakuzu muttered something about how 'she deserved it' and they went back to their drinking session.

Surely, she would return sooner or later in one piece and would give them every detail of what happened. Right?


While the three thoughtless men continued their little drinking session even without their female comrade candidate, a pink ball of hair fell exhausted on their captor's shoulder. Sakura after being kidnapped by the young handsome and now sober male tried freeing herself from his embrace but to no avail. Before finally giving up, she had done everything she could in her tipsy state, from shouting insults and kicking like a child to tugging at the man's hair gently for attention with puppy dog eyes.

All endeavours proved to be fruitless as he only ignored her, never ceasing his long graceful strides.

With her head still leaned on his shoulder Sakura sighed in content enjoying the peaceful and quiet atmosphere. The night breeze blew at her short hair and she shut her drowsy orbs, suddebly a wave of sleepiness washing over her form clouding her mind.

The man's gentle mint scent also relaxed her tense and aching muscles; they briefly reminded her of a certain silver haired friend of hers.

She pushed away the nostalgia that hit her nerves like a tone of bricks convincing momentarily herself that he was what they call unavoidable losses she had to go through to survive in the rogue world.

However she couldn't push away the feeling that -not to sound like a creep but- he smelled oddly familiar. She groggily opened her emerald eyes once again this time facing that oddly familiar shock of silver strands.

That feeling of nostalgia came back multiplied this time and with a huge amount of guilt. She hurriedly tried to explain her earlier actions to him only to be interrupted.

"Sakura. That stunt you pulled back there was stupid... However it seemed to be your only card and I must confess you played it amazingly well on such short notice. " He openly complimented her with a soothing voice as always. "Just... don't worry me like that." He murmured dropping his head on top of hers and nuzzling his cheek in her soft pink locks.

She wrapped her thin arms around his bent covered neck and he set her on her feet snaking his muscular arms around her slim waist, his palms resting on each of her hips. He squeezed protectively as she went on tip toes so she wasn't just hanging from Kakashi. "Sorry bout that, Kakashi. I won't do it again, I promise." She waited till he move or talked not wanting to make the initiative move.

Finally, he sighed deeply and let her go ruffling her hair before dropping his hands at his sides. Sakura straightened up after fixing her hair with a pout and moved to sit on a bench nearby. Kakashi followed her moves and slumped down beside her snickering. "My stomach is ticklish, tease." The girl flushed a vivid scarlet punching his arm playfully. "Oh shut up. I was a little tipsy for fuck's sake and you shouldn't have been so obedient and take your shirt off like that. I'm a hormonal drunk teenager. That's a dangerous combination, Kakashi. Not like you'd understand. Many many many years have passed since you last were a teenager full of youth." After chuckling he groaned as if in mental pain. "Don't use Gai's words against me. Also how old do you think, I am?!"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe a little below 60?" She said innocently with a straight face causing him to cry out in disbelief. "What?! Your words pain me Sakura-chan. I'm only below 30." Sakura stared at him stubbornly and humphed childishly. "It's not right to lie, Kakashi-sensei. By the way, why would you show up?" She curiously looked him in the eye. That stony dull eye that mesmerized her for no special reason. "That's mean. I just wanted to see my favorite student who suddenly decided to go rogue and kill us all." He said in a sing-song voice leaning back and stretching his arms over his head. His shoulder blades popped out below his tight sweater and the veins in his arms were painfully visible.

"Have I ever told you your body is too erotic, Kakashi?" It was blurted before she could think of it and even after Kakashi choked on his air, Sakura seemed oblivious to her blunt statement and chose to inspect closely her former sensei's arms. "Are you that drunk or just horny? Shit, I have corrupted you. I knew I shouldn't have lent you my Icha Icha Paradise series at such a young and vulnerable age." He was abruptly interrupted by Sakura who scoffed in amusement in Kakashi's speech.

"Hold your horses, Casanova. I won't attack you and take away your most precious possession." He gulped nervously dreading the answer to his idiotic question which slipped before he could hold it. Ok, to be truthful he had also drank quite a bit. "What would that be?"

"Your virginity, what else?" She stated as if he was stupid causing him to wail in disbelief once again. "God! What have I done? I created a monster!"

The rest of the night went by in pretty much the same way. They kept on giggling like schoolgirls and teasing one another. They didn't have in mind how much they would have to wait to see one another again. They simply talked all of their time looking into each other's eyes reminding each of them how important they are to the other person. Many shinobi build this type of inseparable bond when they fight on the battlefield for so many years looking out for their comrade's back and making sure they both return home safe and sound.

We're The Mistakes Of The World. [Haruno Sakura fanfic] A sequel to DWMU!!Where stories live. Discover now