Blank Space

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The aroma of coffee and sugar delighted your senses, and the warm yellow glow inside the cafe made you feel especially cosy. You sat at a small circular table by the window, watching the figures outside through the fogged up window as they appeared like shadowy ghosts through the condensation. In front of you, a ceramic, white mug containing a milky brown, and beside it, a small rectangular object wrapped neatly in bold red, shiny paper. It could have been wrapped neater, you thought as you ran a finger over a crease that bugged you. It wouldn't matter though, as the paper will soon be discarded. With that thought in mind, you brought your drink to your mouth, the liquid tickling your tastebuds pleasantly. The taste and surroundings had you reminiscing.

Flashback - 4 months ago
You walked into the same cafe, the same aroma filling your senses, the barista greeting you like a friend as you were a regular visitor. Every week you would come here, ordering the same drink and sitting at the same table at the back of the cafe, keeping to yourself. You enjoyed the comfortable solace of sitting on your own with the familiar sounds of the cafe and the low murmurs of people—although this kind of environment could be hectic, it filled you with calmness. However today seemed to be busier and your table was taken.

"Sorry y/n," Donghyuk, the barista spoke as you eyed your table with a jealous sorrow, "looks like you'll have to settle for another table," he said, giggling at your pout.

With your drink in hand, you sat down at a table by the window with a huff, glaring at the people who stole your poor table. But as you gazed through the glass, you realised it wasn't so bad as you were lost in an observer's world, watching the people outside. As you tore your gaze away from the window, you spotted a wallet down by your feet, leather-bound and compact. Picking it up, you signalled over Donghyuk who was cleaning up dirty crockery.

"I think someone left their wallet, I haven't looked inside it," you said, handing over the wallet to him.

He rolled his eyes lightheartedly. "It's probably Namjoon's, he's always losing things," he smirked.

"Namjoon?" you inquired.

"Yeah, he's a regular here too, but he leaves before you arrive so you never would have seen him."

It's funny how fate works.

After a while, as you were getting ready to leave, your gaze moved to the door welcoming another customer. He was tall, wearing a cap and plain clothes which gave him an air of comfort. You watched subtly as he hastily walked up to the counter and chatted to Donghyuk with a sense of urgency, you would be lying if you weren't taken by the mere sight of him. Donghyuk handed over the wallet to the man, who must have been Namjoon, who looked beyond relieved. A rush of panic as Donghyuk pointed over to you which made you look away, not wanting to look like a staring weirdo.

"Excuse me?" you heard a deep soothing voice behind you.

You turned around and saw Namjoon, and if you thought he was attractive from far away, up close was honestly a treat. His melanin skin and his incredibly sharp and attractive eyes had you in a lovestruck state.

"I was told it was you who found my wallet, thank you, I can be very forgetful," he spoke, a grateful and embarrassed smile adorning his face, and the sight of dimples indenting his cheeks made you melt.

"No, it's OK. We can all be forgetful sometimes," you said, waving him off with a giddy smile.

"Well, is there any way I can thank you?"

You hesitated a little, wondering if you should be so daring to ask.

"Coffee? Here?" you asked in a small voice.

He raised his eyebrow, seemingly surprised, you hoped it was not in a bad way.

"Sure," he answered, his hand reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a small diary.

He flicked through the pages and you couldn't help but see that almost every day was filled with ink.

"You're a busy man."

He chuckled. "I am, sometimes it's a curse."

You wondered what he meant by that, and you had in mind do ask him the next time you saw him.

"Ah, a blank space, is this day alright for you?"

You nodded, and gave him your name to scrawl into the un-inked space.

And that's when it all started.

As the ceramic touches your lips again, ready for another welcomed sip, you silently chuckled remembering how nervous you were when you next met Namjoon. But he was so easy to talk to that there was no need for the butterflies. You remembered to ask him about what he meant by what he said about how being busy was a curse. You were intrigued to find out that he was on accomplished music artist and he loved doing what he does, but sometimes the incredibly packed schedule was too much for the mind. And although you weren't in his position, you understood him.

Now, 4 months later, you were both in a healthy relationship.

The cafe door opened, the man you were waiting for entering, and it wasn't until his silky smooth voice called your name that you noticed he was standing next to you, too deep into your memories to notice. You stood up, your eyes glistening and face smiling, his own echoing your feelings. He opened his arms, welcoming you in his safe embrace as you gladly surrounded his waist with yours. Pulling away slightly, looking into each others mirrored eyes, you placed a light but intimate kiss on his lips.

"I have a present for you," you said, sitting back in your seat, Namjoon sitting opposite.

Pushing over the small red present, his elegant hands picking it up and carefully unwrapping it. The smile on his face tugged wider as the paper was taken away and a small diary was now in his hands. He opened the cover seeing your handwriting on the first page.

Thank you for writing my name down in that blank space,

"Ah y/n, you know how to make my heart flutter," he said, putting a hand on his heart.

You giggled. "But I want to see a little more blank spaces in this diary, you need rest too."

He reached over to your hands, playing with your fingers, nodding his head. 

"I'll try my best. I love you," he whispered at the end, but the words were so clear in the busy cafe.

"I love you too. Thank you for forgetting your wallet all those months ago," you giggled as he playfully rolled his eyes.

You spent the rest of the afternoon together, talking and observing the silhouettes outside the window, the aroma of coffee seeming a lot less lonely than it did 4 months ago.

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