Chapter 2

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Like a kid on the first day of school, hours later, I was still feeling excited. Better Health felt...soothing. It felt like a great place to just be you. Everyone seemed to know each other, and while you had some people that were obviously dedicated to their physical health, no one seemed...arrogant about it. You had a lot of fitness fanatics that came off a bit judgey, but I didn't sense any of that here. Granted, it was only my first day, but the vibe felt like I'd made the right decision to move here.

Doing my rounds, making sure that I was visible for anyone that might need some help or advice, I almost lost my footing when the doors to the gym opened and the most gorgeous guy in existence walked in.

Holy crap.

Hitting a good six-foot-three, he looked to be around my age, and in his t-shirt and basketball shorts, it was easy to see that he took very good care of himself. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes so bright that I could see them glowing from where I was standing. From here, they looked like they were a turquoise color of sorts, and Jesus Christ, he looked like he belonged on the set of movies like Gladiator or 300.

In all honesty, he wasn't the first gorgeous guy to cross my path since moving here two weeks ago. When Geraldine had taken me on a tour of Carmel Springs, I'd seen a few hot-looking men roaming the quiet streets of this town. If nothing else, the masculine scenery might be enough to convince a girl to move to this sleepy little town. However, this guy, whoever he was, had to be the hottest one to date.

So, because I was already lusting over the poor guy, I turned around, then went back to making my rounds, letting Lee welcome him. He was probably used to women throwing themselves at him, and I wasn't looking to fangirl all over the man. Don't get me wrong; I wanted to. I really, really, really wanted to follow him into the showers just to get a look at it all, but I wasn't a creeper, stalker, or insane. Besides, if I wanted to go to jail, I'd prefer to go for kicking Calvin Wesley's ass and not stalking some poor stranger.

After making another effort to avoid the sexy god, my luck finally ran out when I looked over to see Lee walking my way, Mr. Hotness with him.

Was it getting warm in here?

When they stopped in front of me, I plastered on my best smile, sure that all it was doing was making me look like a lunatic. This close up, I could see that his eyes really were a cerulean color, and with his lashes so damn dark, they popped out like they could hypnotize you on command.

Christ, he was hot; like all the deadly seven sins all rolled up in one.

Nevertheless, I still did my best to greet the pair normally. "Hey."

Lee smiled back. "Hey, Rogue," he said. "I'd like you to meet Maxwell Colter."

As was customary, I stuck my hand out to shake his. "Rogue Santana. It's nice to meet you, Maxwell Colter."

"It's nice to meet you," he replied kindly, but as soon as his hand engulfed mine, I could feel the heat from his skin send a searing sensation up my arm, down my back, and smack dab in between my thighs. I practically yanked my hand out of his within seconds.

"Maxwell pulled a muscle in his left shoulder, and so that gave me the perfect opportunity to brag about my new physical therapist," Lee said, still smiling, completely unaware that I was about to embarrass us both by drooling all over his friend.

Doing my best not to sound unhinged, I said, "Physical therapist is stretching it a bit." Looking at Maxwell, I added, "While I'm certified, I don't have any degrees or doctorates in the subject." I slapped my grin back on. "Just a couple of years of school and a lot of experience."

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