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A/n: You'll find out the harem as the story goes on, but it's a big one with all the other characters in the story.

In the year of 2122, Nintendo became the biggest gaming company in the world, buying out all of the other companies, including a gaming company called "Chomper Games."

You were the golden boy, the younger brother of a great swordsman, your father would slay beasts of all types and he taught you everything he knew, you and your brother were fast learners however you learned a little faster than your older brother making your father impressed, while he was struggling to carry the burden of being a great swordsman, you would train constantly with your father as he saw you as his legacy. He taught you he most powerful move, the dragon's bite, where a powerful spirit of a dragon would emerge from his sword and bite down on its target, your dragon was golden.

You were eating upstairs one night when the house you lived in caught fire, the wooden floors quickly fed the flames as it led upstairs, step by step the fire began roaring and in a quick moment, your father dropped you out the tiny window and you landed in a barrel of water, you quicky got out of it and tried to get back inside to save your family but it was too late, the fire began burning the outside of the house and you had to run away, leaving behind your family's remains as the flames slowly consumed the house.

20 years later...

You were now an expert swordsman, much like your father before you, you were well known and respected by the towns people, and loved by the women. They would give you food, money and in some cases if the husbands weren't home, a special reward, however, you declined those, you only took the food and money.

A/n: Your look is this image and yes that's an original drawing.

You had gotten back after slaying an orc monster in the swamps that kept bothering people

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You had gotten back after slaying an orc monster in the swamps that kept bothering people.

"Here's the orc." You said, tossing the head onto the table of the guard.

"Very good Mr. L/n, the king will be most happy." One of the guards smiled.

"It was easy, nobody can put up a fight against me." You gave a cocky grin.

"We'll see about that." The other guard said as a mighty caw sound was heard, an eagle flew over the guards before landing on your shoulder, it had a little scroll around its neck which you took.

"What's this?." You ask as the bird flew away, you opened the scroll and read the message.

"Dear Mr. L/n, we have heard things about you from people around the world and we think you have what it takes to be a member of the smash brothers roster, if you would like you can follow the bird to the edge of your world and someone will come get you, or you can decline this offer. We hope to hear from you soon.

- Master Hand."

You've heard of this smash brothers before, wherever over a thousand fighters from different worlds collided to see who was the best, you didn't think it was possible but now that you have an invite to join, of course you took it.

You quickly went to a shop and wrote a response on a piece of paper the clerk gave you, along with a feather.

Once you wrote the letter and put it in the same envelope, you saw another bird take the letter away and you smiled as you started waiting.

3 long and boring days later...

You waited for what felt like years but a portal opened up and you walked through it, you suddenly found yourself outside of a giant mansion, it was nighttime but you saw that the lights were on, someone must be up.

You walked up the steps and knocked on the large doors which opened up and there stood a man who was much shorter than you, wearing a red cap with the letter m on the front, white gloves, a red shirt underneath blue overalls with yellow buttons and he was wearing some nice brown boots.

"Hello Mr. L/n!." The man smiled at you as he opened the door wider. "Please come in."

You walked inside the mansion, it was unlike anything you've ever seen before.

"Impressive right?." The short man smiled as you looked around. "Would you like a tour of the mansion?."

"Certainly!." You looked at the man who nodded. "Forgive me but what is your name?."

"It's-a-me, Mario!." He extended a hand for you to shake, you shook it and he adjusted his cap before walking down one of the many hallways in the manor, you followed closely behind him, looking around every corner.

"So, where is everyone?. Doesn't this place have thousands of people staying here?." You asked.

"Yes, unfortunately because you arrived at..." Mario looked at a clock on one of the walls. "Ten minutes after midnight, mostly everyone is asleep, besides for a few people."

"And you are on of those people that stays up this late?."

"Oh no, it's-a-my duty as the very first smash fighter to welcome all new competitors to the roster, so when I expect someone to arrive, I stay up all night."

"Sounds rough." You say as you follow him into another room, with a large table, it was easily the biggest room in the mansion.

"This is-a-the dining room, where everyone comes to eat, you can sit wherever you'd like but please try and wake up before Kirby does."

"Who's Kirby?." You asked before you heard a noise.

"Poyo!." A voice said behind you, turning around you saw a round pink creature with eyes and red shoes smiling.

"Stand back Mario!." You draw your sword. "I'll deal with this beast!-"

"Wait!." He got in front of you. "This is Kirby, he's not a monster, unless you put him in front of a table full of food."

"My apologies small pink ball." You put your sword away and pat the pink creature who giggled.


"He seems like-a-you already." Mario smirked as you continued to pet Kirby.

After a few more seconds of petting the small pink creature, you followed Mario to another room, sitting there was a female, wearing a pink dress that exposed her cleavage and it took you every ounce you had to resist staring, she put down her wine glass and smiled once she saw you.

"Hiii there...who's this Mario?." She asked in a cheerful voice.

"This is Y/n, our newest member, Y/n, this is-a-Princess Peach."

"I like your sword." She pointed at it smiling.

"Thanks, it's long and heavy to swing but it gets the job done." You nodded, she giggled.

"I like your way with words, and your sword is much better than what Mario could do-"

"Alright thank you princess." The short man glared at the princess, walking past her. "Come along Y/n, I'll show you the other rooms." He left the room and walked down the hall, you went to follow him but Peach grabbed your arm and made you look at her.

"Just to let you know, I'm single, and ready to mingle" she smirked giving you a little wink, you nodded and left the room, following Mario around the rest of the manor, After a tour of the mansion, Mario showed you to your room where you took off your heavy armor and helmet, you looked into the mirror and smiled at your reflection before going to sleep.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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Video game Females X Male Reader(Smash Brothers, Tekken, Street Fighter, etc)Where stories live. Discover now