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-Hey goodmorning Love-Pablo
"You okay Maria my Love?" "Yea just really really tired"
"Hm okay i gota go to training see you" and he gives you a kiss

Maria was home alone and bored but got a tummy ache and a flu

"Hm it wouldn't be bad if I just tested since I have a test and i can't be pregnant, right?" Maria thought to herself

                  °☆• MARIA'S POV ▪︎☆°○

I just tested i have to let it sit for like 5 minutes so imma go make myself a Coffee

I came back up scared even tho I was a 100% sure I couldn't be pregnant

I took the test and when I looked at it i was in shock "I'M PREGNANT OMG"

I couldn't really take it in i had to tell Gavi he was my boyfriend , but I just couldn't so i decided to keep it a secret for now but I'll tell him

                °■●•¤PABLO'S POV•■•○¤

I'm gonna text Maria im worried


G: hey Lovw everything okay?

                          M: hey Babe everything's okay just kinda sick

G: aw that sucks i'll be home in an hour or so
read and hearted


a/n: look guys this is a really short chapter since im really busu but hopefully tomorrow will be a new chapter

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