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Fucking bullshit! I'm cleaning this big ass house in a Hello Kitty costume. A slutty one at that! My ass is hanging out of this damn tutu skirt!
I swear if Joey or anyone else sees me, Mark is going to die!
"(Y/N)!" Mark calls me.
"What !?" I yell back.
No answer. Just shuffling down the stairs. He's going to yell at me, I know it.
I stand at the bottom of the stairs with crossed arms, and wait for him to come down. As soon as I see his face, I smile like a bitch.
"Hi, there." I wave at him.
I walk away from him, but he grabs my arm, and pull me towards him.
"I don't have time for your attitude, (Y/N)!" He barks at me. "JB is coming over, so I need you to stay hidden."
JB! Jaebum is bae, he can get it! Why would I stay hidden if the sexy man is coming over?
"How about I just take this damn thing off?" I asked.
He laughs at my words, so I punch him in his arm.
"I'm serious, Mark!" I tell him. "I have to do laundry, and I don't want to be seen in this."
"No, now get back to work." He demands.
I swear if his sex wasn't good, I'd shove this broom up his ass!
I just finish cleaning the living room, while ranting to myself. I feel like my mom, now. There's a knock on the door, and I try to answer it, but Mark stops me. He points upstairs, demanding me to go. I just groan and obey. I hope he enjoyed the show, because I'm not wearing this again. I go into the bathroom, and take the skirt off, then change into my black tights. I change bras and keep the shirt.
"Stupid cat ears!" I snap while taking them off.
I look myself in the mirror and feel more satisfied. I don't look like a maid, but I don't look like a slut anymore. I get out of the bathroom and start going back downstairs. They're walking towards me. As soon as JB sees me, he smiles.
"(Y/N)!" He cheers.
"Hi, JB."
He hugs me from the stair underneath me. I squeal when he picks me up.
"Don't be scared!" He laughed while putting me down.
"Where's Jackson?"
"He's with his girlfriend." Mark butted in.
I roll my eyes at him and JB tugs at my shirt.
"Why are you showing all of this skin?" He asks.
"It's hot outside!" I somewhat lied.
"Come hang out with us." He begs.
"No!" Mark ordered.
"Please?" Jaebum pouted.
"Only if you give me a piggyback ride."
He ducks down and throw me over his shoulder! Really?! Is this what we do? I kick my legs while he walks to Mark's room. Mark is behind us, and he's pissed off at me. He mouths Stop It, so I smirk in an evil way. I wanna get him back for making me wear the stupid slutty outfit. It looked great on me, but.. no! JB sits down on the sofa, then let me fall in his lap. His intense gaze is like ice down my spine.
"What?" I broke the silence.
I get off of his lap and sit down next to him.
Over the next few hours, I battle death glares from Mark and intense gazes from JB. I think JB is falling for me, because that look tells me that he wants to kiss me.
"Well, I have to go, but (Y/N)..." JB begans. "We should hang out sometime."
He takes his phone out and give it to me. I type in my number and save it under my name with a snake emoji.
"Why the snake?" He asked, laughing.
"Because I like to bite."
He bites his lip while leaning in. My eyes widen and I grow nervous.
"Don't bite my lip, ok?" He whispers.
His soft lips press against mine and I kiss back, but only for 2 seconds. He smiles against my lips then kiss me on my cheek. I confusely watch him leave. I then turn my attention to Mark, who looks EXTREMELY pissed off.
"What's wrong, Mark?" I ask, jokingly and innocently.
He gives me that death glare, again.
"Get the fuck over here." He demands, saying the words slowly so I understand.
I rise from the sofa and go to him, in his bed. He pats his crotch, so I sit down, only to have him move me lower. I watch him unbutton his cargo shorts, and pull them down, along with his boxers. He pushes his floppy dick in between my lips, so I kiss the tip. I lick down the shaft and tease his balls with my fingers and palm, then take him into my mouth.
"Take off your pants." He orders.
I stop what I'm doing and stand up to remove my pants. I forgot I was wearing this thong. I'm pretty sure it's soaked. I throw the tights on the floor and he grabs my thighs to pull me closer to him. He turns me around and put us in 69 position. I stroke his length before putting him back in my mouth. I hollow my cheeks and take all of him into my mouth without gagging.
He pushes the thong to the side and kiss my other set of lips. I squirm when he pushes his tongue through my folds, so he grabs my hips and hold me still.
We lick and suck each other, filling the room with low or muffled moans. All of a sudden, he brings his hand down harshly!
"AH!" I scream and whimper, but it's muffled.
"You like that?" He asked cockily while continuing to slap my ass.
Afraid of any more punish, I lie and nod yes.

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